1、I would post a link but my comment will probably get scrubbed by this Is r ae l friendly outfit. a simple google search will reveal the truth about ourally n her history of selling secrets to China.───我将会发一个链接,但我的评论可能会被屏蔽,通过简单的谷歌搜索将揭示我们的“盟友”出卖秘密的真相。
2、evaluation and forecast of the life cycle cost for an aircraft flight system is the important link in the system optimization and R&D of aviation engineering.───飞机飞控XiTong的寿命周期费用估算与预测是航空工程XiTong优化和研发的重要环节。
3、Conclusions Except some normal variation, most patients over 40 years old with right chest conduct link R-wave advantage in electrocardiogram were demonstroted disorders in cardiovascular system.───结论40岁以上右胸导联R波占优势者,大多数有心血管XiTong的疾病,只有少数为正常变异。
r link(意思翻译)
r link(相似词语短语)
1、blue link───蓝色链接
2、coupler link───连杆
3、link copy───链接副本
4、link text───链接文本
5、screamer link───尖叫链接
7、link to───与…连接, 联系;链接到;把…和…连接;把…和…联系起来
8、nuvalid link───无效链接
9、love link───爱情纽带
r link(双语使用场景)
1、I would post a link but my comment will probably get scrubbed by this Is r ae l friendly outfit. a simple google search will reveal the truth about ourally n her history of selling secrets to China.───我将会发一个链接,但我的评论可能会被屏蔽,通过简单的谷歌搜索将揭示我们的“盟友”出卖秘密的真相。
2、evaluation and forecast of the life cycle cost for an aircraft flight system is the important link in the system optimization and R&D of aviation engineering.───飞机飞控XiTong的寿命周期费用估算与预测是航空工程XiTong优化和研发的重要环节。
3、Conclusions Except some normal variation, most patients over 40 years old with right chest conduct link R-wave advantage in electrocardiogram were demonstroted disorders in cardiovascular system.───结论40岁以上右胸导联R波占优势者,大多数有心血管XiTong的疾病,只有少数为正常变异。