1、forms of different auxiliary heat sources in the air conditioning system of water loop heat pump are introduced.───介绍了地表水水源热泵工程中两种常用的辅助热源形式,指出辅助热源的布置形式影响着XiTong运行的经济性。
2、system can meet the need of air conditioning heating and hot water supplying of the building by the solar system and an auxiliary heat pump system.───XiTong以太阳能为主,热泵为辅,可以完全满足新能源示范大楼全年的空调、采暖及生活热水的需要。
auxiliary air pump(意思翻译)
auxiliary air pump(相似词语短语)
1、air pump───[机]气泵,[机]抽气机;n.排气唧筒,抽气机; 风泵
3、deflate air mattress with pump───用泵给气垫放气
4、auxiliary equation───[数]辅助方程;相伴齐次方程
5、aquarium air pump───水族箱气泵
6、air mattress with pump───带泵的气垫
7、auxiliary power───厂用电力
9、auxiliary storage───[计]辅助存储器(等于auxiliarymemory)
auxiliary air pump(双语使用场景)
1、forms of different auxiliary heat sources in the air conditioning system of water loop heat pump are introduced.───介绍了地表水水源热泵工程中两种常用的辅助热源形式,指出辅助热源的布置形式影响着XiTong运行的经济性。
2、system can meet the need of air conditioning heating and hot water supplying of the building by the solar system and an auxiliary heat pump system.───XiTong以太阳能为主,热泵为辅,可以完全满足新能源示范大楼全年的空调、采暖及生活热水的需要。