1、The company related conference's organization, the conference record;───公司相关会议的组织、会议纪录;
2、The rockets are 0-6 vs. the Suns and NOK. If you take these 2 teams out of the equation, they have a 21-14 conference record.───火箭对太阳和黄蜂是6战皆负。如果在衡量中把这两个队去掉的,他们对西部的战绩将是21胜14负。
3、The Rockets have the conference record tie-breaker against the Suns, and become the fourth seed, opening the playoffs at home against the Suns.───火箭相比太阳在西部战绩更佳,所以将坐第四把交椅,季后赛对太阳有主场优势。
4、dilettantes might not have taken note of Papa Joe – a Dickensian character if ever there was one – since he used a press conference to promote a record label, four days after Michael's death.───业余歌迷们本不会关注 乔.奥利弗(爵士乐大师路易斯·阿姆斯特朗的启蒙老师)这个狄更生式的人物(如果真有这么一种人存在的话)。 在迈克尔死后的第四天,他利用一个新闻发布会创立了一个一种新的音乐形式。
5、The attendance was a new record for this annual conference.───大会每年举行一次,今年的参会人数创造了新的记录。
conference record(意思翻译)
conference record(相似词语短语)
1、business conference───[经管]业务会议
2、berlin conference───柏林会议;柏林西非会议
3、dispositional conference───性格会议
4、our record───我们的记录
5、record───n.记录,记载;唱片;(过去的)经历,履历;纪录,最佳成绩;前科,犯罪记录;adj.创纪录的;n. (Record)(美)勒科尔(人名);v.记录,记载;录制;发表正式声明;(仪器)标明,显示;取得(成就)
6、conference pear───荷兰绿啤梨
7、conference───n.会议;讨论;协商;联盟;(正式)讨论会;[工会、工党用语](每年的)大会;n.专题讨论会; 正式商谈; 体育协会;vi.举行或参加(系列)会议
8、conference room───会议室,会议厅;n.会议室
9、olf conference───olf会议
conference record(双语使用场景)
1、The company related conference's organization, the conference record;───公司相关会议的组织、会议纪录;
2、The rockets are 0-6 vs. the Suns and NOK. If you take these 2 teams out of the equation, they have a 21-14 conference record.───火箭对太阳和黄蜂是6战皆负。如果在衡量中把这两个队去掉的,他们对西部的战绩将是21胜14负。
3、The Rockets have the conference record tie-breaker against the Suns, and become the fourth seed, opening the playoffs at home against the Suns.───火箭相比太阳在西部战绩更佳,所以将坐第四把交椅,季后赛对太阳有主场优势。
4、dilettantes might not have taken note of Papa Joe – a Dickensian character if ever there was one – since he used a press conference to promote a record label, four days after Michael's death.───业余歌迷们本不会关注 乔.奥利弗(爵士乐大师路易斯·阿姆斯特朗的启蒙老师)这个狄更生式的人物(如果真有这么一种人存在的话)。 在迈克尔死后的第四天,他利用一个新闻发布会创立了一个一种新的音乐形式。
5、The attendance was a new record for this annual conference.───大会每年举行一次,今年的参会人数创造了新的记录。
6、Training Dept. Safety Conference Record───培训部班前安全会议记录