1、The time had come, so I carefully put the babies on the floor of the kitchen and held my breath, ready to come to the rescue if necessary.───关键时刻来了。我小心翼翼地把猫仔放在厨房地上,屏住呼吸,准备必要时救助那些小猫。
2、Fiction: I can hold my breath long enough to rescue a downed co-worker.───虚构:我能够屏住呼吸足够长的时间来营救倒下的工友。
rescue breath(意思翻译)
rescue breath(相似词语短语)
1、deen breath───迪恩呼吸
2、bad breath───口臭(等于halitosis);n.难闻的气味
3、rescue center───救助中心
6、grub rescue───食物救援
7、tortoise rescue───救乌龟
8、rescue team───营救组;抢险队;救援小组
9、avian rescue───鸟类营救
rescue breath(双语使用场景)
1、The time had come, so I carefully put the babies on the floor of the kitchen and held my breath, ready to come to the rescue if necessary.───关键时刻来了。我小心翼翼地把猫仔放在厨房地上,屏住呼吸,准备必要时救助那些小猫。
2、Fiction: I can hold my breath long enough to rescue a downed co-worker.───虚构:我能够屏住呼吸足够长的时间来营救倒下的工友。