1、We advocate that everyone pay attention to every evacuation drill and improve the ability of dealing with emergency.───所以在此,我倡议:要重视每一次应急疏散演练,提高抗击各种突发灾害的应变能力。
2、The evacuation drill in production area is not conducted in peak season.───宿舍疏散演习没有进行。生产区疏散演习没有在生产高峰区进行。
3、Organize and administer the evacuation drill.───员工应急演练的策划与管理;
4、We advocate that everyone pay attention to every evacuation drill and improve the ability of dealing with emergency.───我倡议:要重视每一次应急疏散演练,提高抗击各种突发灾害的应变能力。
5、if an emergency occurs, please click escape passage or in this well under the guidance of construction personnel evacuation drill quickly.───如发生紧急情况,请按逃生通道或在本井施工人员的指引下迅速撤离井场。
6、Health and safety program ( i. E. , Health and safety training records, fire-fighting and evacuation drill records).───健康和安全制度(比如健康和安全培训记录,防火和疏散演练记录)
7、A minimum of one emergency evacuation drill per year should be conducted.───每年至少要进行一次突发事件的紧急撤离演练。
8、fire fighting knowledge should be publicized, and fire fighting drill and evacuation drill should be reinforced especially in such institutions as schools.───要加强消防知识宣传和消防演练,尤其要重视学校等单位的消防及疏散演练;
evacuation drill(意思翻译)
evacuation drill(相似词语短语)
1、evacuation zones───核撤离区
2、disk drill───圆盘播种机
3、evacuation routes───疏散路线
4、aeromedical evacuation───航空医疗后送
5、evacuation route───避难方向;[安全]疏散路线;撤离路线
6、drill sizes───钻孔尺寸
7、a evacuation───疏散
evacuation drill(双语使用场景)
1、We advocate that everyone pay attention to every evacuation drill and improve the ability of dealing with emergency.───所以在此,我倡议:要重视每一次应急疏散演练,提高抗击各种突发灾害的应变能力。
2、The evacuation drill in production area is not conducted in peak season.───宿舍疏散演习没有进行。生产区疏散演习没有在生产高峰区进行。
3、Organize and administer the evacuation drill.───员工应急演练的策划与管理;
4、We advocate that everyone pay attention to every evacuation drill and improve the ability of dealing with emergency.───我倡议:要重视每一次应急疏散演练,提高抗击各种突发灾害的应变能力。
5、if an emergency occurs, please click escape passage or in this well under the guidance of construction personnel evacuation drill quickly.───如发生紧急情况,请按逃生通道或在本井施工人员的指引下迅速撤离井场。
6、Health and safety program ( i. E. , Health and safety training records, fire-fighting and evacuation drill records).───健康和安全制度(比如健康和安全培训记录,防火和疏散演练记录)
7、A minimum of one emergency evacuation drill per year should be conducted.───每年至少要进行一次突发事件的紧急撤离演练。
8、fire fighting knowledge should be publicized, and fire fighting drill and evacuation drill should be reinforced especially in such institutions as schools.───要加强消防知识宣传和消防演练,尤其要重视学校等单位的消防及疏散演练;