1、CU typically represents the text and data contributed to an executable by a single relocatable object file.───CU 通常表示由单个可重新定位的对象文件带来可执行文件的文本和数据。
2、By object, we generally mean an object file or a library.───对于对象,我们一般指的是对象文件或库。
3、Any other segments in the object file are completely ignored. GROUP directives and segment attributes are also ignored.───目标文件中的其他段没有限制。GROUP指令和段属性也忽略不管。
4、Where in the object file is the beginning of this reference to an address?───寻址指令的首字节在目标文件中的何处?
5、LINK found a fixup target in your object file that was not aligned properly.───LINK在您的目的档中找到未正确对齐的修复目标。
6、In that case, GDB can fetch values from these sections out of the object file, rather than from the target program.───在这种情况下,GDB可以从对象文件之外的这些段获取变量值,而不是从目标程序。
7、What is the relationship between a source file and an object file?───源文件和目标文件之间是什么关系?
8、All splices are bundled into a single object file ready to be injected into the kernel.───所有拼接打包成一个对象文件,准备注入内核。
9、By typing the following command, you can see an assembly listing of every section in the object file that contains executable code.───通过输入下面的命令,您可以看到目标文件中包含可执行代码的每个段的汇编清单。
object file(意思翻译)
object file(相似词语短语)
3、sole object───单体
4、object id───对象标识符
5、unproved object───未验证的对象
6、found object───自然艺术品;偶然拾得的天然艺术品(等于objettrouvé)
7、retained object───n.保留宾语(指保留在被动语态句子中的宾语)
8、indirect object───n.间接宾语
9、highlighted object───突出显示的对象
object file(双语使用场景)
1、CU typically represents the text and data contributed to an executable by a single relocatable object file.───CU 通常表示由单个可重新定位的对象文件带来可执行文件的文本和数据。
2、By object, we generally mean an object file or a library.───对于对象,我们一般指的是对象文件或库。
3、Any other segments in the object file are completely ignored. GROUP directives and segment attributes are also ignored.───目标文件中的其他段没有限制。GROUP指令和段属性也忽略不管。
4、Where in the object file is the beginning of this reference to an address?───寻址指令的首字节在目标文件中的何处?
5、LINK found a fixup target in your object file that was not aligned properly.───LINK在您的目的档中找到未正确对齐的修复目标。
6、In that case, GDB can fetch values from these sections out of the object file, rather than from the target program.───在这种情况下,GDB可以从对象文件之外的这些段获取变量值,而不是从目标程序。
7、What is the relationship between a source file and an object file?───源文件和目标文件之间是什么关系?
8、All splices are bundled into a single object file ready to be injected into the kernel.───所有拼接打包成一个对象文件,准备注入内核。
9、By typing the following command, you can see an assembly listing of every section in the object file that contains executable code.───通过输入下面的命令,您可以看到目标文件中包含可执行代码的每个段的汇编清单。