1、saving pennies here and pennies there, he says, and increasing the volume of installations, Rive is driving down the costs of solar power.───说,本着这里省一点,那里省一点,增加安装容量的原则,公司正在降低太阳能发电的成本。
2、Most solar power comes from photovoltaic cells that turn sunlight directly into electricity: installations of this type can be any size.───多数太阳能是由太阳能光伏发电电池直接将太阳光转换成电能产生的,这类装置规模大小不限。
3、Ivanpah power plant, which is to be one of the biggest solar installations in the world, last October.───去年十月,艾文帕电厂破土动工,它将是世界上最大的太阳能装置之一。
installations of solar power(意思翻译)
installations of solar power(相似词语短语)
1、delegation of power───权力授予;权力下放;[法]权力委任
2、power of life───生命的力量
3、solar wind───[天]太阳风(太阳表面放射的离子组成的离子流)
4、heck of power───威力惊人
5、pathologies of power───权力病态
6、solar cells───n.太阳能电池( solar cell的名词复数 )
7、dodd installations───多德装置
8、solar───n. (Solar)(法、英、意、西、塞、捷)索拉尔(人名);adj.太阳的;日光的;利用太阳光的;与太阳相关的;n.日光浴室
9、art installations───艺术设施
installations of solar power(双语使用场景)
1、saving pennies here and pennies there, he says, and increasing the volume of installations, Rive is driving down the costs of solar power.───说,本着这里省一点,那里省一点,增加安装容量的原则,公司正在降低太阳能发电的成本。
2、Most solar power comes from photovoltaic cells that turn sunlight directly into electricity: installations of this type can be any size.───多数太阳能是由太阳能光伏发电电池直接将太阳光转换成电能产生的,这类装置规模大小不限。
3、Ivanpah power plant, which is to be one of the biggest solar installations in the world, last October.───去年十月,艾文帕电厂破土动工,它将是世界上最大的太阳能装置之一。