1、There are lots of books in the bookcase. They are comic books, exercise books, story books and copy books.───书架上有很多书,有连环画、练习册、故事书,和习字帖。
2、In some students room, decorated with several a large bookcase, which are all books, they often travel into the sea in the book quietly.───在有些同学的房间里,摆放着好几个大书橱,里面全是书,他们经常静静地在书海里遨游。
3、Are the books on the bookcase ? No , they aren't . They are in the bookcase .───书在书柜上吗?不,它们不在,它们在书柜里。
they are in the bookcase(意思翻译)
they are in the bookcase(相似词语短语)
1、are in the───在
2、they are in love───他们相爱了
3、they are the───他们是
4、they are in the door───他们在门口
5、who they they are───他们是谁
6、are they───是吗
7、in the bookcase───在书柜里;在书橱里;在书箱里;在书架里
8、they are they───他们是他们
9、are they ok───他们没事吧
they are in the bookcase(双语使用场景)
1、There are lots of books in the bookcase. They are comic books, exercise books, story books and copy books.───书架上有很多书,有连环画、练习册、故事书,和习字帖。
2、In some students room, decorated with several a large bookcase, which are all books, they often travel into the sea in the book quietly.───在有些同学的房间里,摆放着好几个大书橱,里面全是书,他们经常静静地在书海里遨游。
3、Are the books on the bookcase ? No , they aren't . They are in the bookcase .───书在书柜上吗?不,它们不在,它们在书柜里。