salty man(意思翻译)
salty man(相似词语短语)
1、salty shovel───咸铲
2、salty dogs───咸味鸡尾酒(伏特加和果汁调制而成,盛在杯口沾盐的容器内饮用)
4、old salty───老咸味
5、salty foods───咸的食物
6、salty dog───咸味鸡尾酒(伏特加和果汁调制而成,盛在杯口沾盐的容器内饮用)
7、salty bet───咸赌注
8、salty food───咸的食物
9、salty babe───咸宝贝
salty man(双语使用场景)
1、manifestation that a man has an affair is that he's more and more busy with his job, while for the woman, the dishes she did is increasingly salty.───男人有外遇体现在工作越来越忙,女人有外遇体现在做的菜越来越咸。
salty man(意思翻译)
salty man(相似词语短语)
1、salty shovel───咸铲
2、salty dogs───咸味鸡尾酒(伏特加和果汁调制而成,盛在杯口沾盐的容器内饮用)
4、old salty───老咸味
5、salty foods───咸的食物
6、salty dog───咸味鸡尾酒(伏特加和果汁调制而成,盛在杯口沾盐的容器内饮用)
7、salty bet───咸赌注
8、salty food───咸的食物
9、salty babe───咸宝贝
salty man(双语使用场景)
1、manifestation that a man has an affair is that he's more and more busy with his job, while for the woman, the dishes she did is increasingly salty.───男人有外遇体现在工作越来越忙,女人有外遇体现在做的菜越来越咸。