1、In effect, you trim down your Master Resume in order to come up with a more focused one.───实际上,你削减你的师父恢复,以想出了一个更集中的一个。
2、Therefore I said nothing when I met the master coming towards the parlour; but I took the liberty of turning back to listen whether they would resume their quarrel together.───因此当我遇见主人向客厅走来时,我也没说什么,我却径自转回,去听听他们是不是在一起重新开始争吵。
3、With the help of imported energy - new energy obtained from a Chi master - each mechanism can resume proper function and the disease is cured.───随着“进口能源的”帮助-新能源得到从套路-每个机制才能恢复正常功能和疾病治愈。
master resume(英语使用场景)
1、In effect, you trim down your Master Resume in order to come up with a more focused one.
master resume(意思翻译)
master resume(相似词语短语)
1、genealogical resume───家谱履历
2、enclosed resume───随信附上的简历
3、resume builder───简历生成器
6、resume test───恢复测试
7、future resume───未来简历
8、resume now───立即恢复
9、resume init───恢复初始化
master resume(双语使用场景)
1、In effect, you trim down your Master Resume in order to come up with a more focused one.───实际上,你削减你的师父恢复,以想出了一个更集中的一个。
2、Therefore I said nothing when I met the master coming towards the parlour; but I took the liberty of turning back to listen whether they would resume their quarrel together.───因此当我遇见主人向客厅走来时,我也没说什么,我却径自转回,去听听他们是不是在一起重新开始争吵。
3、With the help of imported energy - new energy obtained from a Chi master - each mechanism can resume proper function and the disease is cured.───随着“进口能源的”帮助-新能源得到从套路-每个机制才能恢复正常功能和疾病治愈。
master resume(英语使用场景)
1、In effect, you trim down your Master Resume in order to come up with a more focused one.