1、composition analysis by microprobe shows that its colour is related to the content of CuO.───探针成分分析表明,其颜色是由铜离子引起的,铜的含量越高,颜色就越鲜艳。
2、principles and analytical technique of nuclear analysis of scanning microprobe (micro NRA) was introduced.───了扫描质子探针中微束核反应分析原理。
3、Techniques for Line Scanning Microprobe Analysis───电子探针线扫描分析技术
4、The diffusion concentration of these divalentcationsin the glass surface was obtained by ion microprobe analysis .───这些离子在玻璃表面的扩散浓度由离子探针测定。
5、in the Qiyugou gold deposit, Henan Province has been studied by means of reflecting microscope, MPV-1 Type microphotometer, JCXA-733 Type electron microprobe and X-ray powder analysis.───显微镜、MPV - 1型显微光度计、JCXA - 733型电子探针、X射线粉晶分析等手段对产在河南祁雨沟爆破角砾岩型金矿中的针硫铋铅矿进行了研究。
6、Elements in white bright layer on the surface of 45 steel were distributed with electron microprobe analysis.───利用电子探针对白亮层进行了成分分析。
microprobe analysis(英语使用场景)
1、The inclusions in the macro-defects were studied with optical microscopy and electron microprobe analysis. It was found that most of the inclusions are solid phase.
2、Using such means as electron microprobe analysis, ICP-MS and ICP-AES, the authors studied the tremolite jade from Luanchuan tremolite jade deposit in the western part of Henan Province.
3、The results of microprobe analysis show that the ores and the hosted rock both bear celsianite.
4、In some ways it is therefore similar to electron microprobe analysis, but it is more sensitive than the latter.
5、Electron microprobe analysis of tremolite shows that the chemical content of Korea Amphibole Jade is close to that of the theoretical standard.
microprobe analysis(意思翻译)
microprobe analysis(相似词语短语)
1、handwriting analysis───笔迹分析
2、conjoint analysis───联合分析;组合分析;结合分析
4、statement analysis───n.财务报表分析;财务报表分析;决算表分析
5、conjointly analysis───联合分析
6、betulin analysis───白桦素分析
7、competitor analysis───对手分析; 竞争者分析
8、coefficient analysis───系数分析
9、negligence analysis───过失分析
microprobe analysis(双语使用场景)
1、composition analysis by microprobe shows that its colour is related to the content of CuO.───探针成分分析表明,其颜色是由铜离子引起的,铜的含量越高,颜色就越鲜艳。
2、principles and analytical technique of nuclear analysis of scanning microprobe (micro NRA) was introduced.───了扫描质子探针中微束核反应分析原理。
3、Techniques for Line Scanning Microprobe Analysis───电子探针线扫描分析技术
4、The diffusion concentration of these divalentcationsin the glass surface was obtained by ion microprobe analysis .───这些离子在玻璃表面的扩散浓度由离子探针测定。
5、in the Qiyugou gold deposit, Henan Province has been studied by means of reflecting microscope, MPV-1 Type microphotometer, JCXA-733 Type electron microprobe and X-ray powder analysis.───显微镜、MPV - 1型显微光度计、JCXA - 733型电子探针、X射线粉晶分析等手段对产在河南祁雨沟爆破角砾岩型金矿中的针硫铋铅矿进行了研究。
6、Elements in white bright layer on the surface of 45 steel were distributed with electron microprobe analysis.───利用电子探针对白亮层进行了成分分析。
microprobe analysis(英语使用场景)
1、The inclusions in the macro-defects were studied with optical microscopy and electron microprobe analysis. It was found that most of the inclusions are solid phase.
2、Using such means as electron microprobe analysis, ICP-MS and ICP-AES, the authors studied the tremolite jade from Luanchuan tremolite jade deposit in the western part of Henan Province.
3、The results of microprobe analysis show that the ores and the hosted rock both bear celsianite.
4、In some ways it is therefore similar to electron microprobe analysis, but it is more sensitive than the latter.
5、Electron microprobe analysis of tremolite shows that the chemical content of Korea Amphibole Jade is close to that of the theoretical standard.