1、The 50-year-old Mr. Cowell said he was 'offered a lot of money' to remain a judge on 'American Idol,' which has been a mega-hit for the Fox network.───今年50岁的考威尔说,为了让他继续担任《美国偶像》评委,节目制作方给他开出了丰厚的报酬。 这个节目一直是福克斯电视台的王牌节目。
2、Mega Fox, as her young male fans call her, is also a publicist's nightmare - and a journalist's dream.───梅加”福克斯——她的年轻男性粉丝这样称呼她——还是一位公关人员的噩梦,一位记者的梦想。
mega fox(意思翻译)
mega fox(相似词语短语)
1、mega rally───大型集会
3、mega fun───超级有趣
5、mega calcium───巨钙
6、mega shop───大型商店
7、mega vintage───超级葡萄酒
8、mega web───巨型网络
9、mega white───超级白
mega fox(双语使用场景)
1、The 50-year-old Mr. Cowell said he was 'offered a lot of money' to remain a judge on 'American Idol,' which has been a mega-hit for the Fox network.───今年50岁的考威尔说,为了让他继续担任《美国偶像》评委,节目制作方给他开出了丰厚的报酬。 这个节目一直是福克斯电视台的王牌节目。
2、Mega Fox, as her young male fans call her, is also a publicist's nightmare - and a journalist's dream.───梅加”福克斯——她的年轻男性粉丝这样称呼她——还是一位公关人员的噩梦,一位记者的梦想。