1、Missing the timing or tone on many notes by a small amount will not accumulate into a total match failure.───少量缺少计时或音调并不会导致整体匹配失败。
2、he always had a honey tone on him, my walter, it is no wonder I spend half my life pregnant.───他总是对我说着甜言蜜语,我的怀特先生,难怪我几乎半生都在为他怀孕生孩子。
3、I can't get a dial tone on this phone.───我在这部电话上听不到拨号音。
4、Cooke tried to set the tone on an early possession, dribbling between his legs several times before nailing a 3-pointer.───库克试图定下了基调就早日拥有,带球与他的双腿以前多次钉一个3分球。
5、During the past few days, it has appeared that Google has lowered its tone on its threat to retreat from China.───在过去的几天里,谷歌公司已经不再向之前那样高调地宣布要退出中国市场了。
6、but since his return on Wednesday there has been a change of tone on the part of his economic advisers.───然而,当奥巴马于星期三回到美国之后,他的经济顾问就改变了腔调。
7、The general tone on this side of the Atlantic has veered between the smug and uncomprehending.───总的来说,大西洋这边的人的态度基本是在自鸣得意和不可理解之间徘徊。
8、Because it's such a pity if you start off on a bright tone on a story and suddenly realize you are talking about some people having been killed in a road crash.───因为如果你一开始用欢快的语调讲一个故事,然后突然意识到你讲的是一些在车祸中丧生的人,这是很遗憾的。
tone on(英语使用场景)
1、Another component of intonation that can be said to have grammatical significance is the choice of tone on the tonic syllable.
2、usually a rising tone on 'ill' , while in 'He's ill' there is usually a falling tone on 'ill'.
3、His tone on the air is serious and scripted.
4、The general tone on this side of the Atlantic has veered between the smug and uncomprehending.
5、America's 44th president struck a determined, but pragmatic tone, on economic matters in his inaugural address.
6、Group Busy Tone is audible tone of telephone system that is indicated by low tone on the sleeve of trunk jacks at cord switchboards.
7、Try using a paler shadow at the inner corner of the lids and blend to a deeper tone on the outside.
8、Press the PTT/C button to change to CALL function and to send a CALL TONE on that active channel .
9、There is a falling tone on the first syllable and a rising tone on the other.
tone on(意思翻译)
tone on(相似词语短语)
1、tone down───缓和;柔和;降低;使温和一些
2、feeling tone───[医] 情调; 心情
3、patriotic tone───爱国基调
5、single tone───单频;[声]单音;[计]单音信号;单音,单音信号
6、cautioning tone───警告语气
7、informing tone───提示音
8、ring tone───电话铃音;n.呼叫声
9、gentle tone───柔和的语气
tone on(双语使用场景)
1、Missing the timing or tone on many notes by a small amount will not accumulate into a total match failure.───少量缺少计时或音调并不会导致整体匹配失败。
2、he always had a honey tone on him, my walter, it is no wonder I spend half my life pregnant.───他总是对我说着甜言蜜语,我的怀特先生,难怪我几乎半生都在为他怀孕生孩子。
3、I can't get a dial tone on this phone.───我在这部电话上听不到拨号音。
4、Cooke tried to set the tone on an early possession, dribbling between his legs several times before nailing a 3-pointer.───库克试图定下了基调就早日拥有,带球与他的双腿以前多次钉一个3分球。
5、During the past few days, it has appeared that Google has lowered its tone on its threat to retreat from China.───在过去的几天里,谷歌公司已经不再向之前那样高调地宣布要退出中国市场了。
6、but since his return on Wednesday there has been a change of tone on the part of his economic advisers.───然而,当奥巴马于星期三回到美国之后,他的经济顾问就改变了腔调。
7、The general tone on this side of the Atlantic has veered between the smug and uncomprehending.───总的来说,大西洋这边的人的态度基本是在自鸣得意和不可理解之间徘徊。
8、Because it's such a pity if you start off on a bright tone on a story and suddenly realize you are talking about some people having been killed in a road crash.───因为如果你一开始用欢快的语调讲一个故事,然后突然意识到你讲的是一些在车祸中丧生的人,这是很遗憾的。
tone on(英语使用场景)
1、Another component of intonation that can be said to have grammatical significance is the choice of tone on the tonic syllable.
2、usually a rising tone on 'ill' , while in 'He's ill' there is usually a falling tone on 'ill'.
3、His tone on the air is serious and scripted.
4、The general tone on this side of the Atlantic has veered between the smug and uncomprehending.
5、America's 44th president struck a determined, but pragmatic tone, on economic matters in his inaugural address.
6、Group Busy Tone is audible tone of telephone system that is indicated by low tone on the sleeve of trunk jacks at cord switchboards.
7、Try using a paler shadow at the inner corner of the lids and blend to a deeper tone on the outside.
8、Press the PTT/C button to change to CALL function and to send a CALL TONE on that active channel .
9、There is a falling tone on the first syllable and a rising tone on the other.