1、group of 70 people were asked to match photos of 41 dog owners to 3 possible breeds - Labrador, poodle or Staffordshire bull terrier.───出41只宠物狗,把它们分为拉布拉多猎犬、狮子狗和斯塔福德狗3组,然后让70名志愿者观看宠物狗和主人的照片,并给宠物狗和主人做配对判断。
2、Dog: Wall St. fat cat? I am a government match dog!───呃?你就是华尔街大肥猫?本人乃政府监督犬!
3、Bolio as a producer and match dog was one of the bests stud dogs of al the time.───作为生产者和狗比赛的最好成绩是博利螺柱的基地之一狗的时间。
4、Like dog owners and their pets, you can almost look at one or the other, and match the pair.───就像狗主人和他们的宠物一样,你几乎可以看到一个或另一个,然后配对。
5、Guide dog training schools work very hard to match handlers with guide dogs according to the compatibility of their personalities.───导盲犬训练学校非常努力地根据导盲犬的性格匹配训犬员。
match dog(意思翻译)
match dog(相似词语短语)
1、perfect match───天生一对(电影名);[电影]天生绝配
2、freethinker match───自由思想者匹配
3、test match───国际橄榄球锦标赛;国际板球锦标赛;n.国际板球锦标赛
4、match me───跟我比一比
5、important match───重要匹配
6、ball match───球赛
7、match live───现场比赛
8、best match───最佳匹配
match dog(双语使用场景)
1、group of 70 people were asked to match photos of 41 dog owners to 3 possible breeds - Labrador, poodle or Staffordshire bull terrier.───出41只宠物狗,把它们分为拉布拉多猎犬、狮子狗和斯塔福德狗3组,然后让70名志愿者观看宠物狗和主人的照片,并给宠物狗和主人做配对判断。
2、Dog: Wall St. fat cat? I am a government match dog!───呃?你就是华尔街大肥猫?本人乃政府监督犬!
3、Bolio as a producer and match dog was one of the bests stud dogs of al the time.───作为生产者和狗比赛的最好成绩是博利螺柱的基地之一狗的时间。
4、Like dog owners and their pets, you can almost look at one or the other, and match the pair.───就像狗主人和他们的宠物一样,你几乎可以看到一个或另一个,然后配对。
5、Guide dog training schools work very hard to match handlers with guide dogs according to the compatibility of their personalities.───导盲犬训练学校非常努力地根据导盲犬的性格匹配训犬员。