1、smaller goals with mini-rewards (the breaks) so you can last as long as is necessary to learn the material.───些小目标,并配合一些小小的奖励(休息),你就可以在必要的时间里进行学习。
2、Seligman is tapping into a long history of thinking about what it might mean to live well, and to achieve certain goals that go far beyond simply the accumulation of material wealth or social status.───利格门教授深入历史的角度来思考,活得好有可能意味着什么? 实现某种目标比仅仅是为了积累物质财富和追求社会地位更富有意义。
3、The pressure of pursuing one's material goals is in fact another form of misery, no matter how slight it may be.───追求一个物质目标的压力实际上是苦难的另一种形势,不管它有多轻微。
4、For example, tools provided through SaaS could equip decision makers with knowledge on what metric goals should be achieved for material handling time, cycle time, and changeover time.───比如,通过SaaS提供的工具可以为决策者提供原料处理时间、生产周期时间和设备更换时间的理想指标。
5、Men are admired less for their creative talents and more for their status of manufactured celebrities in a world oriented by material goals.───人们更少地因他们的创造才能被欣赏,而是更多的被钦慕于在『被物质性目标引导的世界』中他们被制造出的名流地位。
material goals(英语使用场景)
1、It is difficult to point to the material goals which football hooligans or juvenile delinquents are chasing.
material goals(意思翻译)
material goals(相似词语短语)
1、strategic goals───战略目标
2、set goals───设定目标;[经] 确定目标
4、stating goals───陈述目标
6、fitness goals───健身目标
7、contributive goals───贡献目标
8、common goals───共同目标
9、definable goals───可定义的目标
material goals(双语使用场景)
1、smaller goals with mini-rewards (the breaks) so you can last as long as is necessary to learn the material.───些小目标,并配合一些小小的奖励(休息),你就可以在必要的时间里进行学习。
2、Seligman is tapping into a long history of thinking about what it might mean to live well, and to achieve certain goals that go far beyond simply the accumulation of material wealth or social status.───利格门教授深入历史的角度来思考,活得好有可能意味着什么? 实现某种目标比仅仅是为了积累物质财富和追求社会地位更富有意义。
3、The pressure of pursuing one's material goals is in fact another form of misery, no matter how slight it may be.───追求一个物质目标的压力实际上是苦难的另一种形势,不管它有多轻微。
4、For example, tools provided through SaaS could equip decision makers with knowledge on what metric goals should be achieved for material handling time, cycle time, and changeover time.───比如,通过SaaS提供的工具可以为决策者提供原料处理时间、生产周期时间和设备更换时间的理想指标。
5、Men are admired less for their creative talents and more for their status of manufactured celebrities in a world oriented by material goals.───人们更少地因他们的创造才能被欣赏,而是更多的被钦慕于在『被物质性目标引导的世界』中他们被制造出的名流地位。
material goals(英语使用场景)
1、It is difficult to point to the material goals which football hooligans or juvenile delinquents are chasing.