1、Zeus made still another race, that of iron, troubled by toil and misery, although good is intermingled with their evils.───宙斯还创造另一种人类,铁器人类,他们饱受劳苦和苦难,尽管他们XieE的本质里夹杂着善良。
2、Those days are all getting intermingled now.───那些日子都越来越相互交织在一起。
3、We were allowed to lie there, limbs intermingled, for nearly an hour.───在得到艾博批准之后,我们四肢交缠地躺了将近一个小时。
4、The intermingled roots of two plants growing closely together improve the quality of the soil.───依偎在一起生长的两种植物的根交织在一起,能够改良土壤的质量。
5、ethnic populations are so intermingled that there's bound to be conflict.───种族如此混合,必有冲突。
6、However, no less than is all the product is same, the quality of gesso adornment material also is the good and bad are intermingled.───然而,正如所有产品一样,石膏装饰材料的质量也是良莠不齐的。
7、There are no noblemen's bones intermingled with those of peasants and generations of families separated in death as they were not in life.───贵族们的尸骨跟农夫的混在一起,很多家族的几代人生前在一起,死后却被分开了。
8、It was a plain dirt way, and overhead the branches of trees intermingled, while a round moon hung low in the sky as if to keep me company.───是一条泥土路,两旁都是树,枝桠在上空相接,低而圆的月亮仿佛在陪伴我走。
9、If early humans hadn't moved and intermingled as much as they did, they probably would have continued to evolve into different species.───如果早期人类没有像以前那样频繁地移动和融合,他们可能会继续进化成不同的物种。
1、The pain and the anger were intermingled.
2、Today the intermingled old streets and waterfront are almost suffocated by grain warehouses.
3、The conference delegates intermingled with each other over coffee when it broke off.
4、Fat intermingled with lean within a muscle is termed marbling.
5、The ethnic populations are so intermingled that there's bound to be conflict.
6、A thing which is among others, is intermingled with them.
7、Fact is intermingled with fiction throughout the book.
8、Limbs and trunks rubbed together and intermingled,(sentencedict.com) humming deep tunes like giant bass fiddles.
9、The plot, a dense swirl of memory and intermingled narratives, works like a spell.
1、intermediary language───中间语言;媒介语
2、intermit definition───间歇定义
3、interment definition───安葬定义
4、intermixed synonym───混合同义词
5、pre intermediate───中间前
6、interment fast───安葬斋戒
8、interminable delay───无休止的延迟
9、intermediate frequency───[物]中频;n.中频
10、intermediate product───[工经]中间产品;半成品;中间乘积;中间体; 中间产物; 半制品; 半成品
1、Zeus made still another race, that of iron, troubled by toil and misery, although good is intermingled with their evils.───宙斯还创造另一种人类,铁器人类,他们饱受劳苦和苦难,尽管他们XieE的本质里夹杂着善良。
2、Those days are all getting intermingled now.───那些日子都越来越相互交织在一起。
3、We were allowed to lie there, limbs intermingled, for nearly an hour.───在得到艾博批准之后,我们四肢交缠地躺了将近一个小时。
4、The intermingled roots of two plants growing closely together improve the quality of the soil.───依偎在一起生长的两种植物的根交织在一起,能够改良土壤的质量。
5、ethnic populations are so intermingled that there's bound to be conflict.───种族如此混合,必有冲突。
6、However, no less than is all the product is same, the quality of gesso adornment material also is the good and bad are intermingled.───然而,正如所有产品一样,石膏装饰材料的质量也是良莠不齐的。
7、There are no noblemen's bones intermingled with those of peasants and generations of families separated in death as they were not in life.───贵族们的尸骨跟农夫的混在一起,很多家族的几代人生前在一起,死后却被分开了。
8、It was a plain dirt way, and overhead the branches of trees intermingled, while a round moon hung low in the sky as if to keep me company.───是一条泥土路,两旁都是树,枝桠在上空相接,低而圆的月亮仿佛在陪伴我走。
9、If early humans hadn't moved and intermingled as much as they did, they probably would have continued to evolve into different species.───如果早期人类没有像以前那样频繁地移动和融合,他们可能会继续进化成不同的物种。
1、The pain and the anger were intermingled.
2、Today the intermingled old streets and waterfront are almost suffocated by grain warehouses.
3、The conference delegates intermingled with each other over coffee when it broke off.
4、Fat intermingled with lean within a muscle is termed marbling.
5、The ethnic populations are so intermingled that there's bound to be conflict.
6、A thing which is among others, is intermingled with them.
7、Fact is intermingled with fiction throughout the book.
8、Limbs and trunks rubbed together and intermingled,(sentencedict.com) humming deep tunes like giant bass fiddles.
9、The plot, a dense swirl of memory and intermingled narratives, works like a spell.