1、She gave each of us graham crackers.───她给我们每个人都发了全麦饼干。
2、I made a lot of money, but I rashly gave most of it away.───我赚了很多钱,但我轻率地挥霍了其中的大部分。
3、What emerged was a formula that consists, in short, in translating the formula that I gave of the metaphor.───结果出现一个公式,总而言之,这个公式被用来诠释我所列举的隐喻的形式。
4、The account he gave of his childhood was quite fictitious.───他把童年往事说得很假。
5、At its worst, the image that the church gave of God was that of a wonder worker who explained the world's mysteries and seemed to have somewhat more interest in punishing men than rewarding them.───更糟的是,在教会塑造的上帝形象里,这个向人类解释世界奥秘的非凡人物比起解救人类来似乎对惩罚人类更感兴趣。
6、He gave of his intelligence and heart to his fellowmen.───他将自己的智慧和热诚献给了他的同胞们。
7、If each of us gave of ourselves just a little bit more, that would amount to a landslide of power to make this world a much better place.───如果我们能再多付出一点,这许多的“一点”将汇成巨大的力量,让这个世界变得更加美丽。
8、She really gave of her time to help. They give of themselves to improve the quality of education.───她确实抽出时间来帮忙。为了提高教育质量,他们奉献了自己
9、The flowers gave of pleasant scent of bland, and the long bright green stems and beautiful white buds showed grace and purity.───花了愉快地气味地乏味,还长期明亮地绿色和美丽地白色茎芽表明宽限期和纯洁性。
gave of(英语使用场景)
1、It was in their power to make and break military reputations; men gave of their best in front of them.
2、Many sentient civilizations gave of their DNA to have representation of their coding upon this planet.
3、I have often thought, since writing it, how poor a picture it gave of the events and dynamic forces here.
4、She gave of her time and money without stint.
5、She wasn't feeling well, so I don't think she gave of her best tonight.
6、From the hacienda and from the lovely view that her balcony gave of the mountains they had seemed quite close.
7、The residential workers found him evasive in the account he gave of his actions and feelings.
gave of(意思翻译)
gave of(相似词语短语)
2、gave around───放弃
3、gave off───发出(光等);长出(枝、杈等)
4、gave out───分发,发出;公布,发表;用尽,精疲力竭
5、gave up───放弃;交出
6、gave us───给了我们
7、gave syndrome───综合征
8、gave over───停止;交出
9、gave away───赠送;丧失;泄露
gave of(双语使用场景)
1、She gave each of us graham crackers.───她给我们每个人都发了全麦饼干。
2、I made a lot of money, but I rashly gave most of it away.───我赚了很多钱,但我轻率地挥霍了其中的大部分。
3、What emerged was a formula that consists, in short, in translating the formula that I gave of the metaphor.───结果出现一个公式,总而言之,这个公式被用来诠释我所列举的隐喻的形式。
4、The account he gave of his childhood was quite fictitious.───他把童年往事说得很假。
5、At its worst, the image that the church gave of God was that of a wonder worker who explained the world's mysteries and seemed to have somewhat more interest in punishing men than rewarding them.───更糟的是,在教会塑造的上帝形象里,这个向人类解释世界奥秘的非凡人物比起解救人类来似乎对惩罚人类更感兴趣。
6、He gave of his intelligence and heart to his fellowmen.───他将自己的智慧和热诚献给了他的同胞们。
7、If each of us gave of ourselves just a little bit more, that would amount to a landslide of power to make this world a much better place.───如果我们能再多付出一点,这许多的“一点”将汇成巨大的力量,让这个世界变得更加美丽。
8、She really gave of her time to help. They give of themselves to improve the quality of education.───她确实抽出时间来帮忙。为了提高教育质量,他们奉献了自己
9、The flowers gave of pleasant scent of bland, and the long bright green stems and beautiful white buds showed grace and purity.───花了愉快地气味地乏味,还长期明亮地绿色和美丽地白色茎芽表明宽限期和纯洁性。
gave of(英语使用场景)
1、It was in their power to make and break military reputations; men gave of their best in front of them.
2、Many sentient civilizations gave of their DNA to have representation of their coding upon this planet.
3、I have often thought, since writing it, how poor a picture it gave of the events and dynamic forces here.
4、She gave of her time and money without stint.
5、She wasn't feeling well, so I don't think she gave of her best tonight.
6、From the hacienda and from the lovely view that her balcony gave of the mountains they had seemed quite close.
7、The residential workers found him evasive in the account he gave of his actions and feelings.