1、You’ll be surprised how much stuff you can get done with a bit of volunteer offline time.───你会惊讶你完成了多少难办的事情,只是在一段主动断网的时间里。
2、I'm gonna start studying tomorrow for all of my finals, so I won't be writing much here until I get done with school, bye ya'll for now! ! !───明天开始我就要学习了,最后冲刺一下,一定要顺利毕业。所以这一段时间我也不会写博客了,等我搞定学校后再来跟你们报到。拜拜!!!
3、TaDaList: See what you can get done with a shared to-do list system from 37signals.───TaDaList:看看来自37signals的一个共享to-do列表XiTong可以完成哪些任务。
4、Basically, there was a character in this one story -- a story that I fought for to get done -- with the Death Watch.───基本上,在这个和死神卫有关的特定的故事里有一个角色——我曾经努力让这个故事能被制作出来。
5、I never thought we would get done with this project!───我还以为我们永远也完成不了这个项目呢!
6、urgency so that we can get done with your claim.───请相信,我们能完成您的要求。
7、ex. and you'll be surprised at what you get done with the extra time.───结果,课余时间能做这么多事会连你自己都吃惊呢。
get done with(英语使用场景)
1、TaDaList: See what you can get done with a shared to-do list system from 37signals.
get done with(意思翻译)
get done with(相似词语短语)
1、done with───完毕
2、get something done───让(别人)(做好)(某事),使某事做好,经受发生在自己身上的事
3、get it done───完成它
4、get sth done───完成某事
5、done away with───被取消(done是do的过去分词);被废除(done是do的过去分词)
6、be done with───完成;与…了结关系
7、get done───完成
8、done with love───用爱结束
9、have done with───做完;和…无关;v.做完,与…无关
get done with(双语使用场景)
1、You’ll be surprised how much stuff you can get done with a bit of volunteer offline time.───你会惊讶你完成了多少难办的事情,只是在一段主动断网的时间里。
2、I'm gonna start studying tomorrow for all of my finals, so I won't be writing much here until I get done with school, bye ya'll for now! ! !───明天开始我就要学习了,最后冲刺一下,一定要顺利毕业。所以这一段时间我也不会写博客了,等我搞定学校后再来跟你们报到。拜拜!!!
3、TaDaList: See what you can get done with a shared to-do list system from 37signals.───TaDaList:看看来自37signals的一个共享to-do列表XiTong可以完成哪些任务。
4、Basically, there was a character in this one story -- a story that I fought for to get done -- with the Death Watch.───基本上,在这个和死神卫有关的特定的故事里有一个角色——我曾经努力让这个故事能被制作出来。
5、I never thought we would get done with this project!───我还以为我们永远也完成不了这个项目呢!
6、urgency so that we can get done with your claim.───请相信,我们能完成您的要求。
7、ex. and you'll be surprised at what you get done with the extra time.───结果,课余时间能做这么多事会连你自己都吃惊呢。
get done with(英语使用场景)
1、TaDaList: See what you can get done with a shared to-do list system from 37signals.