1、I could arrange to meet with you any day next week.───我可以安排在下周的任何一天和你见一面。
2、My schedule is quite flexible. I could arrange to meet with you any day next week.───我的时间表很灵活,我可以安排在下周的任何一天与你见面。
3、It would be very useful if you could print it with any article to further increase awareness of this important day.───如果你们可将其与任何文章一起刊印以进一步提高对这一重要日子的认识,将会非常有益。
any day with you(意思翻译)
any day with you(相似词语短语)
1、any any time───任何时候都可以
2、any any───任何
3、on any day───在任何一天
4、day you───今天你
5、a day with you───和你在一起的一天
6、any given day───任何一天
7、day with───一天
8、any day now───随时
9、any has you───任何人都有你
any day with you(双语使用场景)
1、I could arrange to meet with you any day next week.───我可以安排在下周的任何一天和你见一面。
2、My schedule is quite flexible. I could arrange to meet with you any day next week.───我的时间表很灵活,我可以安排在下周的任何一天与你见面。
3、It would be very useful if you could print it with any article to further increase awareness of this important day.───如果你们可将其与任何文章一起刊印以进一步提高对这一重要日子的认识,将会非常有益。