1、Mrs Mason doesn't seem to disapprove of her daughter's interest in football as much as she used to.───麦森夫人好像对女儿在足球方面的兴趣还和以往一样的不赞同。
2、If parents are by their daughter's divorce, dislike her new husband, and disapprove of how she is raising their grandchildren, chances are that they are not going to enjoy her visits.───如果父母对女儿的离婚感到不满,不喜欢她的新丈夫,不认同她抚养子女的方式,那么他们很可能不会喜欢她的来访。
3、I disapprove of his way of dealing with others.───我不喜欢他的处世方法。
4、The original quoted sentence is like this: " I disapprove of what you say , but I will defend to the death your right to say it . "───尽管我不造成你所说的话,我还是要拼命维护你这样说的权利。
5、He would doubtless disapprove of what Kelly was doing.───他不会赞同凯利做的事。
6、As Voltaire might have said, "I disapprove of your dress, but I will defend to the death your right to wear it. "───伏尔泰也许会说:“我不喜欢你的穿戴,但是我将誓死捍卫你如此穿戴的权利。”
7、I disapprove of what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.───我不同意你说的话,但是我愿意誓死捍卫你说话的权利。——伏尔泰。
8、Most people disapprove of such violent tactics.───多数人不赞同这类暴力手段。
9、But, they feel that the best way to make this happen is to act as if they disapprove of any relationship between their 2 children.───但是,他们认为使他们相爱的最好方法是装作好像不同意两个孩子之间产生任何关系。
disapprove of(英语使用场景)
1、He would doubtless disapprove of what Kelly was doing.
2、Her parents disapprove of her going to dances alone.
3、My parents disapprove of sex before marriage .
4、Most people disapprove of such violent tactics.
5、I strongly disapprove of under-age drinking.
6、Non-smokers often disapprove of smokers.
7、I disapprove of diets; it's better to eat sensibly.
8、I disapprove of the depiction of violence on television.
9、I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.
disapprove of(意思翻译)
disapprove of(相似词语短语)
1、of the order of───大约,与…相似;大约;达到…的程度
2、of of───的
3、tens of thousands of───成千上万;数以万计;千百万; 千千万万; 成千上万
4、hundreds of billions of───千亿
6、hundreds of millions of───数以亿计的;亿万
7、f of of───第页,共页
8、of───prep.属于;……的;……的一部分;住在(某地);关于;由……组成的;因为;(表示人或事的时空位置)在,当;prep.关于; 属于…的; 由…制成
disapprove of(双语使用场景)
1、Mrs Mason doesn't seem to disapprove of her daughter's interest in football as much as she used to.───麦森夫人好像对女儿在足球方面的兴趣还和以往一样的不赞同。
2、If parents are by their daughter's divorce, dislike her new husband, and disapprove of how she is raising their grandchildren, chances are that they are not going to enjoy her visits.───如果父母对女儿的离婚感到不满,不喜欢她的新丈夫,不认同她抚养子女的方式,那么他们很可能不会喜欢她的来访。
3、I disapprove of his way of dealing with others.───我不喜欢他的处世方法。
4、The original quoted sentence is like this: " I disapprove of what you say , but I will defend to the death your right to say it . "───尽管我不造成你所说的话,我还是要拼命维护你这样说的权利。
5、He would doubtless disapprove of what Kelly was doing.───他不会赞同凯利做的事。
6、As Voltaire might have said, "I disapprove of your dress, but I will defend to the death your right to wear it. "───伏尔泰也许会说:“我不喜欢你的穿戴,但是我将誓死捍卫你如此穿戴的权利。”
7、I disapprove of what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.───我不同意你说的话,但是我愿意誓死捍卫你说话的权利。——伏尔泰。
8、Most people disapprove of such violent tactics.───多数人不赞同这类暴力手段。
9、But, they feel that the best way to make this happen is to act as if they disapprove of any relationship between their 2 children.───但是,他们认为使他们相爱的最好方法是装作好像不同意两个孩子之间产生任何关系。
disapprove of(英语使用场景)
1、He would doubtless disapprove of what Kelly was doing.
2、Her parents disapprove of her going to dances alone.
3、My parents disapprove of sex before marriage .
4、Most people disapprove of such violent tactics.
5、I strongly disapprove of under-age drinking.
6、Non-smokers often disapprove of smokers.
7、I disapprove of diets; it's better to eat sensibly.
8、I disapprove of the depiction of violence on television.
9、I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.