2、Rubella is just another name for German measles.───风疹只是德国麻疹的另一个名称。
3、The word "lobbying" as a name for these campaigns dates back at least to 18th-century Britain.───这些活动又称为“院外活动”,此一词至少可以追溯到18世纪的英国。
4、A constant is an identifier (name) for a simple value. As the name suggests, that value cannot change during the execution of the script.───常量是一个简单值的标识符(名字)。如同其名称所暗示的,在脚本执行期间该值不能改变。
5、The college has a good name for languages.───这所大学的语言教学颇有名气。
6、She was once famous for her curves, making a name for herself as one of the country's foremost glamour models.───她曾经以身体的曲线而闻名,她是全国最有魅力的模特之一。
7、Through years of hard work, he has finally built up a good name for himself in the scientific field.───通过多年的努力,他最终在科学领域有了不错的名气。
8、But just because Wiersma had a name for her disease didn't mean that she was in the clear.───但是,仅仅因为维尔斯曼知道了她得的病,并不意味着她可以从中解脱。
9、Now, I'll give "wrap" as the name for the ID to identify a control layer in the top-most layer, as shown in Listing 6.───现在,我将使用“wrap”作为ID的名称,用以识别最高的层上的控制层,如清单6所示。
name for(英语使用场景)
1、Have you entered your name for the quiz yet?
2、The proper name for Matthew's condition is hyperkinetic syndrome.
3、He has made a name for himself by his broadcast talks.
4、He made a name for himself as one of the moderns.
5、Another name for secondary school is high school.
6、Will you please spell your name for me; it's one I'm not familiar with.
7、Benny is a pet name for the rabbit.
8、Rubella is just another name for German measles.
9、Good luck is another name for tenacity of purpose.
name for(意思翻译)
name for(相似词语短语)
2、good name for her───她的好名声
3、chaja name───更改名称
4、sourish name───索里什名字
5、first name last name───名字姓氏
6、ferrer name───羽毛名称
7、other name───其他名称;别名
8、serial name───序列号
9、warrantor name───担保人姓名
name for(双语使用场景)
1、He had a name for good judgement.───他以判断力强著称。
2、Rubella is just another name for German measles.───风疹只是德国麻疹的另一个名称。
3、The word "lobbying" as a name for these campaigns dates back at least to 18th-century Britain.───这些活动又称为“院外活动”,此一词至少可以追溯到18世纪的英国。
4、A constant is an identifier (name) for a simple value. As the name suggests, that value cannot change during the execution of the script.───常量是一个简单值的标识符(名字)。如同其名称所暗示的,在脚本执行期间该值不能改变。
5、The college has a good name for languages.───这所大学的语言教学颇有名气。
6、She was once famous for her curves, making a name for herself as one of the country's foremost glamour models.───她曾经以身体的曲线而闻名,她是全国最有魅力的模特之一。
7、Through years of hard work, he has finally built up a good name for himself in the scientific field.───通过多年的努力,他最终在科学领域有了不错的名气。
8、But just because Wiersma had a name for her disease didn't mean that she was in the clear.───但是,仅仅因为维尔斯曼知道了她得的病,并不意味着她可以从中解脱。
9、Now, I'll give "wrap" as the name for the ID to identify a control layer in the top-most layer, as shown in Listing 6.───现在,我将使用“wrap”作为ID的名称,用以识别最高的层上的控制层,如清单6所示。
name for(英语使用场景)
1、Have you entered your name for the quiz yet?
2、The proper name for Matthew's condition is hyperkinetic syndrome.
3、He has made a name for himself by his broadcast talks.
4、He made a name for himself as one of the moderns.
5、Another name for secondary school is high school.
6、Will you please spell your name for me; it's one I'm not familiar with.
7、Benny is a pet name for the rabbit.
8、Rubella is just another name for German measles.
9、Good luck is another name for tenacity of purpose.