1、Discussion the scientific system of the important thought of "three representatives"───试论“SanGeDaiBiao”重要思想的科学体系
2、The topic of the times The scientific system--My reflection on the important thought of "Three Represents"───时代课题科学体系--学习“SanGeDaiBiao”重要思想的几点体会
3、On Understanding and Grasping Correctly the Scientific System of the Great Thought of "Three Represents"───正确理解和把握“SanGeDaiBiao”重要思想的科学体系
4、We should set up right objective, enrich teaching contents and establish scientific system of assessment to clear away these obstacles.───要克服这些障碍,应该明确学习目标,丰富教学内容,选择适当方法,建立科学测评体系。
5、Scientific system of crime prevention must have three fulcrums, advanced nature, correspondence and complexity.───科学的犯罪预防体系应当具备超前性、对应性和复合性三个支点。
6、Sports belongs to humanism and social science from the classification of scientific system.───从科学体系的分类来看,体育学属于人文社会科学。
7、The French revolutionary government wanted one international scientific system of measurement to measure things more easily and effectively.───法国革命政府需要一个国际测量体系来使测量东西更简便和更有效。
8、A scientific system to assess accomplishment is a core motive mechanism for banks to implement developing strategy.───设计一套科学有效的绩效考核XiTong,留住核心人才,具有十分重要的现实意义。
9、inherent links and structural relations of it with each discipline related determine its position in human scientific system.───其与各相关学科的内在联系和结构关系,确定其在人类科学体系中的地位。
scientific system(英语使用场景)
1、The three levels, correlative to one another, have formed an integral and scientific system.
2、Dengxiaoping Theory is an integrated scientific system. It has substantial content, extensive knowledge and profound scholarship.
3、The three components of Deng Xiaoping Theory interpenetrate and push ahead successively(http://sentencedict.com/scientific system.html), thus instituting a more perfect scientific system.
4、The scientific system analysis could obtain a balanced solution from harmonizing mechanism and surrounding, acknowledging nonzero sum gaming inside system and improving system informative dissymmetry.
5、Not complete, scientific system of military regulations, military law can only be a slogan.
6、A new Law of Bankruptcy with a scientific system and an all-around content should be made to meet the needs of the reality of our country and to get integrated into the world economy.
7、Marxism value system is a whole scientific system, its core is an evaluation problem.
8、DENG Xiao - ping Theory , the direct succession of Maxism and MAO Ze - dongThought, is a scientific system.
9、Productivity theory is Deng Xiaoping the theory is the basiccest content in scientific system.
scientific system(意思翻译)
scientific system(相似词语短语)
1、scientific methods───科学方法
2、scientific america───科学美国
3、scientific method───科学方法
4、scientific management───科学管理
5、scientific calculator───科学用计算器;科学计算器
6、scientific theory───科学理论
7、scientific report───科学报告;科学报道
8、genesee scientific───genesee科学
scientific system(双语使用场景)
1、Discussion the scientific system of the important thought of "three representatives"───试论“SanGeDaiBiao”重要思想的科学体系
2、The topic of the times The scientific system--My reflection on the important thought of "Three Represents"───时代课题科学体系--学习“SanGeDaiBiao”重要思想的几点体会
3、On Understanding and Grasping Correctly the Scientific System of the Great Thought of "Three Represents"───正确理解和把握“SanGeDaiBiao”重要思想的科学体系
4、We should set up right objective, enrich teaching contents and establish scientific system of assessment to clear away these obstacles.───要克服这些障碍,应该明确学习目标,丰富教学内容,选择适当方法,建立科学测评体系。
5、Scientific system of crime prevention must have three fulcrums, advanced nature, correspondence and complexity.───科学的犯罪预防体系应当具备超前性、对应性和复合性三个支点。
6、Sports belongs to humanism and social science from the classification of scientific system.───从科学体系的分类来看,体育学属于人文社会科学。
7、The French revolutionary government wanted one international scientific system of measurement to measure things more easily and effectively.───法国革命政府需要一个国际测量体系来使测量东西更简便和更有效。
8、A scientific system to assess accomplishment is a core motive mechanism for banks to implement developing strategy.───设计一套科学有效的绩效考核XiTong,留住核心人才,具有十分重要的现实意义。
9、inherent links and structural relations of it with each discipline related determine its position in human scientific system.───其与各相关学科的内在联系和结构关系,确定其在人类科学体系中的地位。
scientific system(英语使用场景)
1、The three levels, correlative to one another, have formed an integral and scientific system.
2、Dengxiaoping Theory is an integrated scientific system. It has substantial content, extensive knowledge and profound scholarship.
3、The three components of Deng Xiaoping Theory interpenetrate and push ahead successively(http://sentencedict.com/scientific system.html), thus instituting a more perfect scientific system.
4、The scientific system analysis could obtain a balanced solution from harmonizing mechanism and surrounding, acknowledging nonzero sum gaming inside system and improving system informative dissymmetry.
5、Not complete, scientific system of military regulations, military law can only be a slogan.
6、A new Law of Bankruptcy with a scientific system and an all-around content should be made to meet the needs of the reality of our country and to get integrated into the world economy.
7、Marxism value system is a whole scientific system, its core is an evaluation problem.
8、DENG Xiao - ping Theory , the direct succession of Maxism and MAO Ze - dongThought, is a scientific system.
9、Productivity theory is Deng Xiaoping the theory is the basiccest content in scientific system.