1、can literally buy a Magav Unit off the shelf. This shows how confident we are. Data, energy, medicine, health, agriculture will all follow one by one.───我们可以自信地向大家许诺,以后各种与数据,能源,医学,健康,甚至农业相关的产品都会上市。
2、In fact, for one-to-one associations that are optional on both end, the code generated by the wizard is all we need.───实际上,对于两端都可选的一对一关联,只需要向导生成的代码就够了。
3、However even if this is not TDD, but at least continuous integration, documented features are added one-by-one, so we are certain all documented requirements are implemented.───不过,即使这不是TDD,但至少是一种连续的累积过程,写在文档中的功能一个一个加进去,所以我们可以肯定所有写在文档中的需求都应该得到实现。
we are one by one(意思翻译)
we are one by one(相似词语短语)
1、we are the we we are the one───我们是唯一的我们是唯一的
2、one by one───依次地,一个接一个地
3、we are you one───我们是你们一个
4、we are one───我们是一体;我们在一起;我们是一体; 我们在一起
5、we are the one───我们是一体的
6、one one───11
7、one one one───111
8、by one───由一个
9、we are one one───我们是一体的
we are one by one(双语使用场景)
1、can literally buy a Magav Unit off the shelf. This shows how confident we are. Data, energy, medicine, health, agriculture will all follow one by one.───我们可以自信地向大家许诺,以后各种与数据,能源,医学,健康,甚至农业相关的产品都会上市。
2、In fact, for one-to-one associations that are optional on both end, the code generated by the wizard is all we need.───实际上,对于两端都可选的一对一关联,只需要向导生成的代码就够了。
3、However even if this is not TDD, but at least continuous integration, documented features are added one-by-one, so we are certain all documented requirements are implemented.───不过,即使这不是TDD,但至少是一种连续的累积过程,写在文档中的功能一个一个加进去,所以我们可以肯定所有写在文档中的需求都应该得到实现。