1、U. S. nuclear power station reduce liquid waste processing costs and clean liquid waste to the detection limits.───美国核电站降低废液处理成本和清洁废物探测极限…[中国核科技信息与经济研究院]。
2、Waste processing is optimised, too.───废品加工流程也得到优化。
3、With the rapid development of industry, the enterprise waste processing technique is also being improved continuously.───随着工业的迅猛发展,企业排污处理技术也在不断的改进。
4、This means that if you click on the button after the rabbit is revealed, you waste processing time.───这就是说如果在兔子出来之后仍然点击按钮,就是在浪费处理时间。
5、As one entrepreneur puts it, Britain is "beachfront property" for anyone with a nifty new waste-processing technology to sell.───正如一位企业家所说,英国就像“海边的地产”,等待着那些手中握有精妙的新技术的买家。
6、Waste processing is always a world concern problem.───垃圾处理,一直是个世界关注的问题。
7、Regardless of the advancements in JVM technology, programmers never want to waste processing time unnecessarily.───不考虑 JVM 技术的进步,程序员们绝不想不必要地浪费处理时间。
8、Keeping full control with our partners of nuclear waste processing and responding to the questions of the public───就核废料处理及回应公众的提问对我们的合作方进行全面的控制
waste processing(意思翻译)
waste processing(相似词语短语)
1、processing plants───制炼厂
2、nuclear waste───原子能工业废料; 核废料
3、processing speed───[计]处理速度;加工速率;(数据)处理速率,加工速率
4、waste recycling───[环境]废物循环;废物回收利用
5、waste of───浪费
6、waste disposal───n.废料处理; 废弃物处理; 废物处理; 废物弃置;[环境]废物处理;废物处理装置
8、processing reference───处理参考
9、waste money───浪费钱财;劳民伤财
waste processing(双语使用场景)
1、U. S. nuclear power station reduce liquid waste processing costs and clean liquid waste to the detection limits.───美国核电站降低废液处理成本和清洁废物探测极限…[中国核科技信息与经济研究院]。
2、Waste processing is optimised, too.───废品加工流程也得到优化。
3、With the rapid development of industry, the enterprise waste processing technique is also being improved continuously.───随着工业的迅猛发展,企业排污处理技术也在不断的改进。
4、This means that if you click on the button after the rabbit is revealed, you waste processing time.───这就是说如果在兔子出来之后仍然点击按钮,就是在浪费处理时间。
5、As one entrepreneur puts it, Britain is "beachfront property" for anyone with a nifty new waste-processing technology to sell.───正如一位企业家所说,英国就像“海边的地产”,等待着那些手中握有精妙的新技术的买家。
6、Waste processing is always a world concern problem.───垃圾处理,一直是个世界关注的问题。
7、Regardless of the advancements in JVM technology, programmers never want to waste processing time unnecessarily.───不考虑 JVM 技术的进步,程序员们绝不想不必要地浪费处理时间。
8、Keeping full control with our partners of nuclear waste processing and responding to the questions of the public───就核废料处理及回应公众的提问对我们的合作方进行全面的控制