1、For half an hour Jimmy and Shandy played in the garden, rolling around the grass, play-fighting.───吉米和姗蒂在院子里玩了半个小时,他们在草地上打滚,玩格斗游戏,总是姗蒂赢。
2、something, Jonathan said rolling to glide inverted for a while. That's not half as bad as being ahead of our time.───说得有点道理,”乔纳森说着,打了个滚地,倒着身子滑翔了一会儿,“这比说跑在时代前面好一些。”
3、It appears to be the digital equivalent of the rolling blackouts that happen when some minor glitch at a power plant short-circuits the power grid for half the country.───是出现了滚动删除的等效数值,就好比当发电厂出现一些细小的Cao作失误时,国家一半的电网出现短路一样。
half rolling(意思翻译)
half rolling(相似词语短语)
1、rolling days───滚动日
2、rolling plane───轧制平面,横倾平面,滚动面
3、rolling mill───轧钢厂;辊轧机;n.轧钢厂
4、half and half───一半一半;各占一半;各半
5、high rolling───高速轧制
8、keep rolling───保持滚动
half rolling(双语使用场景)
1、For half an hour Jimmy and Shandy played in the garden, rolling around the grass, play-fighting.───吉米和姗蒂在院子里玩了半个小时,他们在草地上打滚,玩格斗游戏,总是姗蒂赢。
2、something, Jonathan said rolling to glide inverted for a while. That's not half as bad as being ahead of our time.───说得有点道理,”乔纳森说着,打了个滚地,倒着身子滑翔了一会儿,“这比说跑在时代前面好一些。”
3、It appears to be the digital equivalent of the rolling blackouts that happen when some minor glitch at a power plant short-circuits the power grid for half the country.───是出现了滚动删除的等效数值,就好比当发电厂出现一些细小的Cao作失误时,国家一半的电网出现短路一样。