1、forward problem includes the activity source model, the head model and the mathematical model.───脑电正问题包括大脑源活动模型,大脑结构模型以及正问题求解的数学模型。
2、The first is your activity source file, which is a Python script. This is shown in Listing 4 and is named TestActivity. py.───第一个是活动的源文件,它是一个Python脚本,称为TestActivity.py,如清单4所示。
3、During this activity the source data is analyzed and the subset of the data that need to be migrated is identified.───在这项活动期间,被分析的源数据和需要被移植的数据子集被识别出来。
4、The first is your activity source file, which is a Python script. This is shown in Listing 4 and is named TestActivity.py.───第一个是活动的源文件,它是一个python脚本,称为TestActivity . py,如清单4所示。
5、It focuses on the activity evaluation and the analysis of activity source of ferromanganese slag.───集中研究了锰铁矿渣的活性评价及其活性来源。
activity source(英语使用场景)
1、Item memory attracted right hippocampus activity, source memory attracted left hippocampus activity.
activity source(意思翻译)
activity source(相似词语短语)
1、twain source───twain源
2、write source───写入源
5、activity now───现在活动
6、antioxidant activity───抗氧化活性;[医]抗氧化剂活性
7、mental activity───心理活动,智力活动
8、apiculate activity───细尖活动
9、illicit activity───[法]违法活动
activity source(双语使用场景)
1、forward problem includes the activity source model, the head model and the mathematical model.───脑电正问题包括大脑源活动模型,大脑结构模型以及正问题求解的数学模型。
2、The first is your activity source file, which is a Python script. This is shown in Listing 4 and is named TestActivity. py.───第一个是活动的源文件,它是一个Python脚本,称为TestActivity.py,如清单4所示。
3、During this activity the source data is analyzed and the subset of the data that need to be migrated is identified.───在这项活动期间,被分析的源数据和需要被移植的数据子集被识别出来。
4、The first is your activity source file, which is a Python script. This is shown in Listing 4 and is named TestActivity.py.───第一个是活动的源文件,它是一个python脚本,称为TestActivity . py,如清单4所示。
5、It focuses on the activity evaluation and the analysis of activity source of ferromanganese slag.───集中研究了锰铁矿渣的活性评价及其活性来源。
activity source(英语使用场景)
1、Item memory attracted right hippocampus activity, source memory attracted left hippocampus activity.