1、On Wednesday, gunmen kidnapped Khamis al-Obaidi, a top member of Saddam's legal team, and killed him.───星期三,QiangShou绑架了SaDaMu律师团的高级成员奥贝迪,将他ShaSi。
2、Others felt that a large, publicly traded company like Toyota shouldn't pick a family member for the top job, even though Mr. Toyoda is a veteran who oversaw rapid growth in China, among other things.───还有人认为向丰田这样一家大型上市公司不该让“本家人”来担任最高职位,即便丰田章男也算得上是公司的老员工了,曾见证了中国汽车市场的迅猛增长。
3、The plastic material of the top member contains a luminous pigment capable of absorbing, storing and emitting light.───顶端的成员塑料发光材料含有色素的吸收能力,储存和发光。
4、Party member Robert Moute says elders need to cede top positions to younger members and support them without suffocating them.───莫特说,年老的成员需要把高层职位让给年轻的一辈,要支持他们,不要压制他们。
5、To become a Mensa member, you must have an IQ that falls in the top 2 percent of the population that take the tests.───要成为门萨会员,你的智商必须在参加测试的人群中处于前2%。
6、A top member molded of a plastic material is attached to the top portion of the assembly in a fitting manner.───一名高级成员的塑料材料成型是隶属于大会的顶部在一个恰当的方式。
top member(英语使用场景)
1、The Mexican government says security forces have killed Ignacio Nacho Coronel, a top member of the powerful Sinaloa drug cartel.
top member(意思翻译)
top member(相似词语短语)
1、re member───vi.记得,记起;vt.记得;牢记;纪念;代…问好
2、audience member───听众
3、family member───家庭成员;家族成员;家属
4、permanent member───常任理事国;永久性成分
5、smallest member───最小成员
6、top───n.顶端;表面;最高的级别;尽头;帽;上衣;(根菜作物的)茎叶;陀螺;(牛奶最上层的)奶皮;(帆船的)桅盘;居首位的人;最高程度(或层次);机动车辆的最高档;(录音中的)高频部分;最高额;特别好的人(或事);(待纺的)毛条;夸克六味之一;(球的)上旋;用于马陀螺的名字;adv.最多,至多;vt.超过(某一数量);居……之首;把(某物)放在……的上面;胜过;ZiSha;到达山顶;高过;出场;加盖;完成(着装);去除(蔬菜或水果)顶部以供烹调;误击(球的上部);adj.最高的;最佳的;最远的;获胜的;极好的;最重要的;居首位的;n. (Top)(巴)托普(人名)
8、top top───顶部顶部
9、council member───理事会委员;议会成员,理事
top member(双语使用场景)
1、On Wednesday, gunmen kidnapped Khamis al-Obaidi, a top member of Saddam's legal team, and killed him.───星期三,QiangShou绑架了SaDaMu律师团的高级成员奥贝迪,将他ShaSi。
2、Others felt that a large, publicly traded company like Toyota shouldn't pick a family member for the top job, even though Mr. Toyoda is a veteran who oversaw rapid growth in China, among other things.───还有人认为向丰田这样一家大型上市公司不该让“本家人”来担任最高职位,即便丰田章男也算得上是公司的老员工了,曾见证了中国汽车市场的迅猛增长。
3、The plastic material of the top member contains a luminous pigment capable of absorbing, storing and emitting light.───顶端的成员塑料发光材料含有色素的吸收能力,储存和发光。
4、Party member Robert Moute says elders need to cede top positions to younger members and support them without suffocating them.───莫特说,年老的成员需要把高层职位让给年轻的一辈,要支持他们,不要压制他们。
5、To become a Mensa member, you must have an IQ that falls in the top 2 percent of the population that take the tests.───要成为门萨会员,你的智商必须在参加测试的人群中处于前2%。
6、A top member molded of a plastic material is attached to the top portion of the assembly in a fitting manner.───一名高级成员的塑料材料成型是隶属于大会的顶部在一个恰当的方式。
top member(英语使用场景)
1、The Mexican government says security forces have killed Ignacio Nacho Coronel, a top member of the powerful Sinaloa drug cartel.