1、Of course, once there, his flop pitch is desperately difficult as he must get it up on top of the ridge while stopping it on the green which runs away from him.───当然,一旦发生,他的触发器间距是极其困难,因为他必须获得对脊顶部起来,同时阻止它的绿色,从他逃跑。
2、Conclusion By doing alveolar ridge augmentation, the indication of dental implant can be greatly extended, its course of treatment is shortened and its success rate is increased.───结论运用牙槽骨扩展术大大地扩大了人工种植牙的适应证、缩短疗程和提高成功率。
3、Gambling shots can try to clear this ridge to catch the ramp up to the green, which is the largest and longest on the course.───投机的一杆或许可以飞过这里落到果岭的斜坡上,这也是整个球场最大最长的斜坡。
ridge course(意思翻译)
ridge course(相似词语短语)
1、alveolar ridge───牙槽嵴
2、ridge road───山脊路
3、teeth ridge───齿龈隆骨
4、cans ridge───罐脊
6、dolerite ridge───粗粒岩脊
8、cragged ridge───山脊
9、cuticular ridge───[医]角质脊
ridge course(双语使用场景)
1、Of course, once there, his flop pitch is desperately difficult as he must get it up on top of the ridge while stopping it on the green which runs away from him.───当然,一旦发生,他的触发器间距是极其困难,因为他必须获得对脊顶部起来,同时阻止它的绿色,从他逃跑。
2、Conclusion By doing alveolar ridge augmentation, the indication of dental implant can be greatly extended, its course of treatment is shortened and its success rate is increased.───结论运用牙槽骨扩展术大大地扩大了人工种植牙的适应证、缩短疗程和提高成功率。
3、Gambling shots can try to clear this ridge to catch the ramp up to the green, which is the largest and longest on the course.───投机的一杆或许可以飞过这里落到果岭的斜坡上,这也是整个球场最大最长的斜坡。