1、Marlinspike said that an https padlock logo can be spoofed in the URL bar, to further lull the user into a false sense of security.───Marlinspike称,它还可以在浏览器DiZhi栏中显示https的安全锁logo,使得用户更加相信自己访问的安全性。
2、In a production environment it would be anticipated that HTTPS streaming can be used as a worst-case scenario to fall back to.───在生产环境中,需要预先考虑到HTTPS流可以被用作最坏情况的场景下,以留有一步余地。
3、HTTPS is only used for the connection between the MobiLink client and the web server.───HTTPS仅用于MobiLink客户端和Web服务器之间的连接。
4、The user is redirected to the CAS login URL over an HTTPS connection, passing the name of the requested service as a parameter.───用户被重定向到CAS登录URL,采用的是HTTPS连接,他请求的服务的名称作为参数传递。
5、TS Gateway uses the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) together with the HTTPS protocol to help create a more secure, encrypted connection.───TSGateway使用远程桌面协议 (R D P)一起使用HTTPS协议来帮助创建更安全、加密连接。
6、By taking advantage of multithreading in the new VM the web container is able to dispatch multiple HTTP and HTTPS requests concurrently.───由于充分利用了新虚拟机中多线程的优势,该Web容器可以同时分发多个HTTP和HTTPS请求。
1、The put and get methods support file: and http:/https: URLs, while the others support http:/https: and mailto: URLs.
2、The Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol ( HTTPS ) can provide more secure data transmission.
3、Marlinspike said that an https padlock logo can be spoofed in the URL bar, to further lull the user into a false sense of security.
4、But the point to note is that in both the factors (of the two-factor authentication), the system makes use of the same underlying security mechanism (SSL/TLS/HTTPS) for network authentication.
5、It first released HTTPS Everywhere as a beta test version in June of 2010.
6、A more secure protocol is HTTPS (HTTP over SSL), which uses SSL to encrypt HTTP messages.
7、Note: while logged in https://icb-nfs/SimpleSRM, if you select the provisioned server and look for monitoring information, they are not available.
8、The extension, which can be downloaded at eff.org/https-everywhere, makes https the stubbornly unchangeable default on all sites that support it.
9、The HTTPS protocol takes care of secure communication between a web server and a web browser.
abbr.超文本传输协议安全 (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)
1、http https───http https
1、Marlinspike said that an https padlock logo can be spoofed in the URL bar, to further lull the user into a false sense of security.───Marlinspike称,它还可以在浏览器DiZhi栏中显示https的安全锁logo,使得用户更加相信自己访问的安全性。
2、In a production environment it would be anticipated that HTTPS streaming can be used as a worst-case scenario to fall back to.───在生产环境中,需要预先考虑到HTTPS流可以被用作最坏情况的场景下,以留有一步余地。
3、HTTPS is only used for the connection between the MobiLink client and the web server.───HTTPS仅用于MobiLink客户端和Web服务器之间的连接。
4、The user is redirected to the CAS login URL over an HTTPS connection, passing the name of the requested service as a parameter.───用户被重定向到CAS登录URL,采用的是HTTPS连接,他请求的服务的名称作为参数传递。
5、TS Gateway uses the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) together with the HTTPS protocol to help create a more secure, encrypted connection.───TSGateway使用远程桌面协议 (R D P)一起使用HTTPS协议来帮助创建更安全、加密连接。
6、By taking advantage of multithreading in the new VM the web container is able to dispatch multiple HTTP and HTTPS requests concurrently.───由于充分利用了新虚拟机中多线程的优势,该Web容器可以同时分发多个HTTP和HTTPS请求。
1、The put and get methods support file: and http:/https: URLs, while the others support http:/https: and mailto: URLs.
2、The Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol ( HTTPS ) can provide more secure data transmission.
3、Marlinspike said that an https padlock logo can be spoofed in the URL bar, to further lull the user into a false sense of security.
4、But the point to note is that in both the factors (of the two-factor authentication), the system makes use of the same underlying security mechanism (SSL/TLS/HTTPS) for network authentication.
5、It first released HTTPS Everywhere as a beta test version in June of 2010.
6、A more secure protocol is HTTPS (HTTP over SSL), which uses SSL to encrypt HTTP messages.
7、Note: while logged in https://icb-nfs/SimpleSRM, if you select the provisioned server and look for monitoring information, they are not available.
8、The extension, which can be downloaded at eff.org/https-everywhere, makes https the stubbornly unchangeable default on all sites that support it.
9、The HTTPS protocol takes care of secure communication between a web server and a web browser.