1、Worse, Gilbert has noted that these mistakes of expectation can lead directly to mistakes in choosing what we think will give us pleasure.───更糟的是,吉尔伯特已经指出,这些错误的期望能直接导致在选择我们认为会给我们带来愉悦的事情上犯错误。
2、We are lucky so far we have not made any mistakes in choosing where we conduct our business.───我们很幸运,我们迄今还没有做出任何错误的选择,我们开展业务。
choosing mistakes(意思翻译)
choosing mistakes(相似词语短语)
1、make mistakes───犯错; 出岔子;犯错,出错
2、choosing wheel───选择轮子
3、choosing fun───选择乐趣
4、by mistakes───错误地;由于差错
6、spelling mistakes───拼写错误
8、fewer mistakes───更少的错误
9、have mistakes───有错误吗
choosing mistakes(双语使用场景)
1、Worse, Gilbert has noted that these mistakes of expectation can lead directly to mistakes in choosing what we think will give us pleasure.───更糟的是,吉尔伯特已经指出,这些错误的期望能直接导致在选择我们认为会给我们带来愉悦的事情上犯错误。
2、We are lucky so far we have not made any mistakes in choosing where we conduct our business.───我们很幸运,我们迄今还没有做出任何错误的选择,我们开展业务。