1、Test research of discarding coarse tailings in new technological flowsheet consisting of two stage continuous grinding-gravity separation-magnetic separation-reverse flotation is described.───鞍山矿石两段连续磨矿、重选-磁选-反浮选新工艺流程中粗粒部分抛尾试验研究。
2、process of two-stage hydrogen refining for the preparation of grinding oil was studied.───以常二线馏分油为原料油,研究了加氢精制生产研磨油的工艺。
3、Experimental study and practice of a change from one-stage to two-stage grinding───增加二段磨矿作业的试验研究与生产实践
4、Process and facility selection of two stage closed circuit grinding and its application in phosphoric acid facility matching wet-process grinding system were introduced.───介绍了两段闭路磨矿工艺技术路线、设备选择以及在云峰分公司磷酸装置配套湿法磨矿XiTong上的应用效果。
twostage grinding(意思翻译)
twostage grinding(相似词语短语)
1、grinding stones───磨石;砂轮
2、grinding shop───研磨车间
3、grinding df───研磨df
4、grinding music───磨人的音乐
7、back grinding───反磨
8、grinding games───磨球游戏
9、stage by stage───adv.逐步地,一步一步地;分阶段地
twostage grinding(双语使用场景)
1、Test research of discarding coarse tailings in new technological flowsheet consisting of two stage continuous grinding-gravity separation-magnetic separation-reverse flotation is described.───鞍山矿石两段连续磨矿、重选-磁选-反浮选新工艺流程中粗粒部分抛尾试验研究。
2、process of two-stage hydrogen refining for the preparation of grinding oil was studied.───以常二线馏分油为原料油,研究了加氢精制生产研磨油的工艺。
3、Experimental study and practice of a change from one-stage to two-stage grinding───增加二段磨矿作业的试验研究与生产实践
4、Process and facility selection of two stage closed circuit grinding and its application in phosphoric acid facility matching wet-process grinding system were introduced.───介绍了两段闭路磨矿工艺技术路线、设备选择以及在云峰分公司磷酸装置配套湿法磨矿XiTong上的应用效果。