1、Time will tell how accurate these decisions are, but for now I'm willing to take some risk with them.───这些决策的正确与否还需要时间的检验,而且看起来这种做决定的方式有些风险。
2、If you want to maximize your savings, take some risk with at least some of your money.───若你想使储蓄额增加到最大限度,至少要用一部分钱去冒冒险。
3、So if a celebrity does take the risk, then maybe we should give him some credit.───所以一位名人愿意冒这样的风险,我们至少可以给点同情分。
4、Time will tell how accurate these decisions are, but for now I'm willing to take some risk with them.───当然这些决策的正确与否还需要时间的检验,而且看起来这种做决定的方式有些风险。
5、As we evaluate risk, some very primitive factors take over to drive often-irrational thinking.───当我们评估风险,一些非常原始的因素会起主导作用,使我们常常非理性地思考。
6、For that reason alone, JPMorgan Asset Management's Shairp said he has called for his fund firm to take some risk off the table.───单单出于这个原因,摩根大通资产管理公司的Shairp就已经要求旗下基金公司进行了一些降低风险的Cao作。
take some risk(意思翻译)
take some risk(相似词语短语)
2、take some time───需要一些时间;花一些时间
3、take some pills───吃点药
4、take a risk───vi.冒险
5、take risk───承担风险;冒…风险
6、take some───吃点吧
7、take some photos───拍一些照片(photos是photo的复数形式)
8、take the risk───承担风险
9、take some nose───吸点鼻子
take some risk(双语使用场景)
1、Time will tell how accurate these decisions are, but for now I'm willing to take some risk with them.───这些决策的正确与否还需要时间的检验,而且看起来这种做决定的方式有些风险。
2、If you want to maximize your savings, take some risk with at least some of your money.───若你想使储蓄额增加到最大限度,至少要用一部分钱去冒冒险。
3、So if a celebrity does take the risk, then maybe we should give him some credit.───所以一位名人愿意冒这样的风险,我们至少可以给点同情分。
4、Time will tell how accurate these decisions are, but for now I'm willing to take some risk with them.───当然这些决策的正确与否还需要时间的检验,而且看起来这种做决定的方式有些风险。
5、As we evaluate risk, some very primitive factors take over to drive often-irrational thinking.───当我们评估风险,一些非常原始的因素会起主导作用,使我们常常非理性地思考。
6、For that reason alone, JPMorgan Asset Management's Shairp said he has called for his fund firm to take some risk off the table.───单单出于这个原因,摩根大通资产管理公司的Shairp就已经要求旗下基金公司进行了一些降低风险的Cao作。