1、This year, the enterprise recruitment difficult issues outstanding, many rural labor would rather stay at home, rather than to the factory.───今年,企业招工难的问题非常突出,很多农村劳动力宁愿留在家里,也不愿意到工厂上班。
3、Research of candidate evaluation methods in enterprise recruitment───企业招聘中候选人评价方法研究
4、Enterprise recruitment difficulties, staff are not stable, rising labor costs.───企业招工困难,员工不稳定,用工成本攀升。
5、News Center, service projects, enterprise information, product information, enterprise recruitment, background management, success stories.───新闻中心、服务项目、企业介绍、产品信息、企业招聘、后台管理,成功案例。
6、Enterprise recruitment of foreign teachers is mainly internal staff or leading assistant positions.───企业招聘外教主要是员工内训或者领导助理等职务。
7、The focus is on the analysis of enterprise recruitment risk from five aspects, how to prevent risks of staff recruitment is discussed.───重点从五方面分析企业员工招聘风险的分析,探讨如何防范员工招聘风险。
8、Design and Data Processing of Capabilities Interview in Enterprise Recruitment───企业招聘中能力面试的题目设计与数据处理
enterprise recruitment(意思翻译)
enterprise recruitment(相似词语短语)
1、graduate recruitment───招收大学毕业生
2、recruitment agency───招聘机构;招聘代理
3、peepul enterprise───皮普尔企业
4、recruitment drive───入伍记(游戏)
5、commercial enterprise───[贸易]商业企业;[法]商业企业
6、state enterprise───[工经]国营企业;国营事业,国营企业
7、coagent enterprise───激励企业
9、enterprise culture───企业文化
enterprise recruitment(双语使用场景)
1、This year, the enterprise recruitment difficult issues outstanding, many rural labor would rather stay at home, rather than to the factory.───今年,企业招工难的问题非常突出,很多农村劳动力宁愿留在家里,也不愿意到工厂上班。
3、Research of candidate evaluation methods in enterprise recruitment───企业招聘中候选人评价方法研究
4、Enterprise recruitment difficulties, staff are not stable, rising labor costs.───企业招工困难,员工不稳定,用工成本攀升。
5、News Center, service projects, enterprise information, product information, enterprise recruitment, background management, success stories.───新闻中心、服务项目、企业介绍、产品信息、企业招聘、后台管理,成功案例。
6、Enterprise recruitment of foreign teachers is mainly internal staff or leading assistant positions.───企业招聘外教主要是员工内训或者领导助理等职务。
7、The focus is on the analysis of enterprise recruitment risk from five aspects, how to prevent risks of staff recruitment is discussed.───重点从五方面分析企业员工招聘风险的分析,探讨如何防范员工招聘风险。
8、Design and Data Processing of Capabilities Interview in Enterprise Recruitment───企业招聘中能力面试的题目设计与数据处理