1、Then through that constant awareness, in which there is no sense of opposites, no division as mind and emotion, there comes the harmony of action which alone will bring about fulfilment.───通过不间断的觉察,在觉察中没有相对的事物,没有心和意识的分别,这时你的行动将是和谐的,而只有这种和谐才能带给你无上的成就。
2、All clocks must have a regular, constant or repetitive process or action to mark off equal increments of time.───所有时钟都必须有一个均匀、恒定或重复的划分时间等量增加的过程或动作。
3、The second action sets the value of the CollectionPropertyName to constant named documents.───第二个Cao作将CollectionPropertyName的值设置为名为documents的常量。
constant of action(意思翻译)
constant of action(相似词语短语)
1、out of action───不再运转, 失去效用;损坏;不运转;失去作用
2、calorimeter constant───量热计常数
3、course of action───做法;行动步骤;做法,行动过程,一连串行动
5、line of action───[力][机]作用线;啮合线;活动的形式(方针);作用线,<喻>活动的形式[方针]
6、cause of action───n.原告的起诉理由;n.<法>原告的起诉缘由; 案由; 诉因
7、constant stream of───源源不断的
8、action───n.行动;活动;功能;战斗;情节;精彩活动;n. (Action)(英)埃克申(人名)
9、promptitude of action───行动迅速
constant of action(双语使用场景)
1、Then through that constant awareness, in which there is no sense of opposites, no division as mind and emotion, there comes the harmony of action which alone will bring about fulfilment.───通过不间断的觉察,在觉察中没有相对的事物,没有心和意识的分别,这时你的行动将是和谐的,而只有这种和谐才能带给你无上的成就。
2、All clocks must have a regular, constant or repetitive process or action to mark off equal increments of time.───所有时钟都必须有一个均匀、恒定或重复的划分时间等量增加的过程或动作。
3、The second action sets the value of the CollectionPropertyName to constant named documents.───第二个Cao作将CollectionPropertyName的值设置为名为documents的常量。