1、The accuracy along with numerical convexity and smoothness of LUT will influence the final circuit design greatly.───其精度及数学上的凸特性和平滑程度对电路最终的设计结果有较大的影响。
2、Our car is working well around this circuit although both Jenson and Rubens experienced too much understeer on their final runs.───我们的车整场表现都不错,然而简森和鲁本斯表示,他们的车子在最后都出现了严重转向不足的问题。
3、But on Monday, journalists previously barred from the court property were permitted to watch the final proceedings by closed-circuit television from a courtroom annex.───但周一时,此前被禁止踏入法院的记者获准来到法院七层的一间屋子,通过闭路电视收看宣判的情景。
final circuit(意思翻译)
final circuit(相似词语短语)
1、complicated circuit───复杂电路
2、final notice───最后通知
3、final activity───最终活动
4、rendu final───最终渲染
7、final invoice───确定FaPiao;终结FaPiao
8、after final───决赛后
9、memory circuit───[计][电子]存储电路;存储电路,记忆电路;[电子]记忆电路
final circuit(双语使用场景)
1、The accuracy along with numerical convexity and smoothness of LUT will influence the final circuit design greatly.───其精度及数学上的凸特性和平滑程度对电路最终的设计结果有较大的影响。
2、Our car is working well around this circuit although both Jenson and Rubens experienced too much understeer on their final runs.───我们的车整场表现都不错,然而简森和鲁本斯表示,他们的车子在最后都出现了严重转向不足的问题。
3、But on Monday, journalists previously barred from the court property were permitted to watch the final proceedings by closed-circuit television from a courtroom annex.───但周一时,此前被禁止踏入法院的记者获准来到法院七层的一间屋子,通过闭路电视收看宣判的情景。