1、animal painter Alexander Pylyschenko who owns a small private zoo in Ukraine set his mind to stay inside the cage with a pregnant lioness Katya for 5 weeks and even help her deliver the cub.───Alexander Pylyschenko是名动物画家,他在乌克兰拥有一个小型私人动物园,他打算搬进笼子,与一头怀孕的母狮Katya同住五周,甚至还将帮她接生。
stay with ukraine(意思翻译)
stay with ukraine(相似词语短语)
1、stay with us───留在我们身边 (Staywith Us)
2、crimea ukraine───乌克兰犯罪
3、stay stay stay───别动,别动
4、stay with───在…家里作客,继续为…工作;同…住在一起;把…坚持下去;与…并驾齐驱
5、stay with me───留在我身边(蔡旻佑的一张专辑名);与我相随(歌名)
6、stay with m───和m呆在一起
7、stay with you───留下来陪你
9、stay with sb───和某人呆在一起
stay with ukraine(双语使用场景)
1、animal painter Alexander Pylyschenko who owns a small private zoo in Ukraine set his mind to stay inside the cage with a pregnant lioness Katya for 5 weeks and even help her deliver the cub.───Alexander Pylyschenko是名动物画家,他在乌克兰拥有一个小型私人动物园,他打算搬进笼子,与一头怀孕的母狮Katya同住五周,甚至还将帮她接生。