1、"Wong Kar Wai still has not given me the script yet, " muses Leung, tracing circles on the top of the side table with a manicured finger.───“王家卫还是没有给我剧本,”梁沉思着道,修饰整齐的手指在桌子边划着圆圈。
2、All my suggestions apropos the script were accepted.───我有关该剧本的所有建议都被采纳了。
3、When writing a script, it is often easier to define a set of variables at the beginning of the script.───当编写脚本时,在脚本开头定义一组变量通常会更简便。
4、The script was good, but those guys butchered it.───剧本很好,但让那帮家伙给演砸了。
5、Encapsulating this code into a function makes it easier to understand and reuse, and also makes the script easier to read.───将这些代码封装到一个函数中,便于理解和重用,并且使脚本更加易于阅读。
6、Disney Channel had the script for Hannah Montana for a year before executives signed Miley Cyrus.───迪斯尼儿童频道在和麦莉·塞勒斯签约前一年就已经有了剧本《汉娜·蒙塔娜》。
7、"He said it might have been a blessing to go to prison because he had time to work on the script, " his son said.───“他说坐牢也许是件好事,因为这样就有时间写剧本了,”他儿子说。
8、script was workmanlike at best.───剧本充其量不过是匠人之作。
9、So you know, if you were writing this, you'd say, "No, we've got to write the script differently. "───所以你知道,如果你写这个剧本,你会说,“嗯,我们该把它写的再与众不同一点才行。”
the script(英语使用场景)
1、Two writers collaborated on the script for the film.
2、Bruce Robinson wrote the script for 'The Killing Fields'.
3、That line isn't in the script.
4、The script was delivered to the director ahead of schedule.
5、The script was workmanlike at best.
6、She smacked the script on the floor.
7、Archaeologists have had trouble deciphering the script.
8、All my suggestions apropos the script were accepted.
9、The script has been gathering editorial accretions for years.
the script(意思翻译)
手创乐队 (The Script)
the script(相似词语短语)
1、test script───测试脚本
3、copperplate script───铜版字
4、cursive script───草书;草写体
5、prime script───原稿
6、dancing script───舞蹈剧本
7、engrossing script───引人入胜的剧本
8、script type───脚本类型
9、tightly script───密文
the script(双语使用场景)
1、"Wong Kar Wai still has not given me the script yet, " muses Leung, tracing circles on the top of the side table with a manicured finger.───“王家卫还是没有给我剧本,”梁沉思着道,修饰整齐的手指在桌子边划着圆圈。
2、All my suggestions apropos the script were accepted.───我有关该剧本的所有建议都被采纳了。
3、When writing a script, it is often easier to define a set of variables at the beginning of the script.───当编写脚本时,在脚本开头定义一组变量通常会更简便。
4、The script was good, but those guys butchered it.───剧本很好,但让那帮家伙给演砸了。
5、Encapsulating this code into a function makes it easier to understand and reuse, and also makes the script easier to read.───将这些代码封装到一个函数中,便于理解和重用,并且使脚本更加易于阅读。
6、Disney Channel had the script for Hannah Montana for a year before executives signed Miley Cyrus.───迪斯尼儿童频道在和麦莉·塞勒斯签约前一年就已经有了剧本《汉娜·蒙塔娜》。
7、"He said it might have been a blessing to go to prison because he had time to work on the script, " his son said.───“他说坐牢也许是件好事,因为这样就有时间写剧本了,”他儿子说。
8、script was workmanlike at best.───剧本充其量不过是匠人之作。
9、So you know, if you were writing this, you'd say, "No, we've got to write the script differently. "───所以你知道,如果你写这个剧本,你会说,“嗯,我们该把它写的再与众不同一点才行。”
the script(英语使用场景)
1、Two writers collaborated on the script for the film.
2、Bruce Robinson wrote the script for 'The Killing Fields'.
3、That line isn't in the script.
4、The script was delivered to the director ahead of schedule.
5、The script was workmanlike at best.
6、She smacked the script on the floor.
7、Archaeologists have had trouble deciphering the script.
8、All my suggestions apropos the script were accepted.
9、The script has been gathering editorial accretions for years.