1、There is a sharp peak in the power spectral density of da- ta. It is a narrow band random vibration which depends on t…───还讨论了车轮振动加速度功率谱密度峰值的性质,由于履带节的作用使车轮产生与车速有关的窄带随机振动。
2、Considered the most anatomically correct drawing of its day, Da Vinci's The Vitruvian Man had become a modern-day icon of culture, appearing on posters, mouse pads, and T-shirts around the world.───达。 芬奇的名画达。 芬奇的《维特鲁威人》被认为是当时在生理结构上最准确的画作,现在已成为一个现代文化的偶像而出现在世界各地的招贴画上、鼠标垫上和T 恤衫上。
3、So mu, the chemical potential for these configurations, dA/dN is just dA/dN. With T and V constant.───那么μ,构型的化学势,就是。
t da(意思翻译)
abbr.隧道二极管放大器 (Tunnel Diode Amplifier);甲苯二胺
t da(相似词语短语)
1、da maishaping───Maishapping编号
2、melodious da───悠扬的da
3、da club───da俱乐部
4、Da b───数据库
5、da vinky───从小费
6、offser da───离岸da
7、pan da───n.(Panda)人名;(印、塞)潘达;n.熊猫;猫熊
8、da ling───大陵
9、da da dash───达达破折号
t da(双语使用场景)
1、There is a sharp peak in the power spectral density of da- ta. It is a narrow band random vibration which depends on t…───还讨论了车轮振动加速度功率谱密度峰值的性质,由于履带节的作用使车轮产生与车速有关的窄带随机振动。
2、Considered the most anatomically correct drawing of its day, Da Vinci's The Vitruvian Man had become a modern-day icon of culture, appearing on posters, mouse pads, and T-shirts around the world.───达。 芬奇的名画达。 芬奇的《维特鲁威人》被认为是当时在生理结构上最准确的画作,现在已成为一个现代文化的偶像而出现在世界各地的招贴画上、鼠标垫上和T 恤衫上。
3、So mu, the chemical potential for these configurations, dA/dN is just dA/dN. With T and V constant.───那么μ,构型的化学势,就是。