1、finely-crafted table had been made by a master furniture maker over a hundred years ago.───精巧的桌子是一位家具制作大师100多年前做的。
2、Consider the size of the room as you begin to shop for furniture for the master bedroom.───在你开始为你的主卧室买家具之QianKao虑一下你房间的大小。
3、Designed by a master of industrial design Dr Kenneth Grange, the cool, dark lines of the 600 series cabinet are perfect partner for contemporary furniture and interior design Settings.───由丁午田庄工业设计博士,凉爽的600系列内阁暗线设计大师为当代家具和室内设计设置理想的合作伙伴。
furniture master(意思翻译)
furniture master(相似词语短语)
1、furniture mod───家具模块
2、hake furniture───HaKe家具
5、chalking furniture───粉笔家具
6、street furniture───街头特有的景物,如电线杆、路灯柱、书报摊、公共电话亭、长椅、巴士候车亭、垃圾箱等。;公共设施
7、dusting furniture───除尘家具
8、galleon furniture───厨房家具
9、nursery furniture───托儿所家具
furniture master(双语使用场景)
1、finely-crafted table had been made by a master furniture maker over a hundred years ago.───精巧的桌子是一位家具制作大师100多年前做的。
2、Consider the size of the room as you begin to shop for furniture for the master bedroom.───在你开始为你的主卧室买家具之QianKao虑一下你房间的大小。
3、Designed by a master of industrial design Dr Kenneth Grange, the cool, dark lines of the 600 series cabinet are perfect partner for contemporary furniture and interior design Settings.───由丁午田庄工业设计博士,凉爽的600系列内阁暗线设计大师为当代家具和室内设计设置理想的合作伙伴。