1、If you stored a scalar value like a number or string, then that is what will come back.───如果您存储的是数字或字符串等标量值,那么将返回这些内容。
2、Returns a boolean value for a number, string, or node-set───返回一个数字、字符串及节点集的逻辑值
3、The Unified Messaging server will prepend the number 0 for Europe to the telephone number string.───统一消息服务器将代表欧洲的数字0置于电话号码字符串的开头。
4、There are eight fundamental types (of values) in Lua: nil, boolean, number, string, function, thread, table, and userdata.───Lua中的基本类型(值)有8种:nil,布尔型,数字,字符串,函数,线程,表以及用户数据。
5、After the refactoring, all USES of that number or string literal in the class refer to that field, instead of the number or string literal itself.───在重构后,所有对这个类中的数字或字符串文字的使用都将指向该字段,而不是指向数字或字符串文字本身。
6、An atom is a basic piece of data, such as a number, string, or character.───原子是一个基本的数据,比如一个数字、字符串或者字符。
7、The data types returned from extension objects are one of the four basic XPath data types of number, string, Boolean, and node set.───从扩展对象返回的数据类型是四种XPath基本数据类型之一:number、string、Boolean和nodeset。
8、This is string number two.───这是细绳二号。
number string(英语使用场景)
1、It can search and edit any type of game data such as integer, floating point number, string and uncertain data like blood in game King of Fights.
2、For that effect, JSON defines the following main data structures: number, string , boolean (true and false), array (an ordered sequence of values), object (collection of key value pairs), and null.
number string(意思翻译)
number string(相似词语短语)
1、looped string───循环字符串
2、externalize string───外部化字符串
3、append string───追加字符串
4、string tension───弦张力
5、string art───弦乐艺术
7、search string───[医]搜索字符串
8、tie string───系绳
9、unending string───永无止境的弦
number string(双语使用场景)
1、If you stored a scalar value like a number or string, then that is what will come back.───如果您存储的是数字或字符串等标量值,那么将返回这些内容。
2、Returns a boolean value for a number, string, or node-set───返回一个数字、字符串及节点集的逻辑值
3、The Unified Messaging server will prepend the number 0 for Europe to the telephone number string.───统一消息服务器将代表欧洲的数字0置于电话号码字符串的开头。
4、There are eight fundamental types (of values) in Lua: nil, boolean, number, string, function, thread, table, and userdata.───Lua中的基本类型(值)有8种:nil,布尔型,数字,字符串,函数,线程,表以及用户数据。
5、After the refactoring, all USES of that number or string literal in the class refer to that field, instead of the number or string literal itself.───在重构后,所有对这个类中的数字或字符串文字的使用都将指向该字段,而不是指向数字或字符串文字本身。
6、An atom is a basic piece of data, such as a number, string, or character.───原子是一个基本的数据,比如一个数字、字符串或者字符。
7、The data types returned from extension objects are one of the four basic XPath data types of number, string, Boolean, and node set.───从扩展对象返回的数据类型是四种XPath基本数据类型之一:number、string、Boolean和nodeset。
8、This is string number two.───这是细绳二号。
number string(英语使用场景)
1、It can search and edit any type of game data such as integer, floating point number, string and uncertain data like blood in game King of Fights.
2、For that effect, JSON defines the following main data structures: number, string , boolean (true and false), array (an ordered sequence of values), object (collection of key value pairs), and null.