1、It is calculated by estimating the share of a company's value that cannot be accounted for by its current products and cash flow.───它是通过估算公司价值中无法用当前产品和现金流来解释的部分来计算的。
2、This theory, which essentially states that the price of a traded asset, such as a share, fully reflects its true value, has been discredited by the market turmoil of the last two years.───这个理论基本上是说,市场上如股票之类的交易资产的价格充分体现了它的真正价值。这一理论已由于过去两年的市场动荡而遭到质疑。
3、Every act for which he was prosecuted was undertaken for the purpose of protecting Enron and promoting its share value,” his lawyers point out.───他的律师指出,“他被起诉的每一项罪名都是为保护安然公司,提升其股票价值而造成的。”
share its value(意思翻译)
share its value(相似词语短语)
1、carder share───普通股
2、book share───账面份额
6、substance share───物质份额
7、market share───[贸易]市场占有率
8、cater share───餐饮共享
9、it its its───它是它的
share its value(双语使用场景)
1、It is calculated by estimating the share of a company's value that cannot be accounted for by its current products and cash flow.───它是通过估算公司价值中无法用当前产品和现金流来解释的部分来计算的。
2、This theory, which essentially states that the price of a traded asset, such as a share, fully reflects its true value, has been discredited by the market turmoil of the last two years.───这个理论基本上是说,市场上如股票之类的交易资产的价格充分体现了它的真正价值。这一理论已由于过去两年的市场动荡而遭到质疑。
3、Every act for which he was prosecuted was undertaken for the purpose of protecting Enron and promoting its share value,” his lawyers point out.───他的律师指出,“他被起诉的每一项罪名都是为保护安然公司,提升其股票价值而造成的。”