1、Income inequality usually falls during a recession, but it has not shrunk in this one.───在经济衰退期间,收入差距通常会缩小,但这次却没有。
2、The finding may also offer a clue as to why income inequality doesn't yet seem to be getting that much traction at the US ballot box.───为何收入不平等至今似乎尚未对美国的选票箱产生很大影响,这个研究结果可能也为此提供了一条线索。
3、In the past decade, even as income inequality has grown, some of the socioeconomic differences in parenting, like reading to children and going to libraries, have narrowed.───在过去的十年里,尽管收入不平等有所加剧,但在育儿方面的一些社会经济差异已经缩小,就比如是给孩子朗读和去图书馆。
4、Higher wages could reduce income inequality and drive more consumption, he said, if the gains continue-which looks increasingly likely.───他说,薪资增长如果继续下去(显得越来越有可能),则有可能缩小收入差距,并带动消费增加。
5、So you can argue that income inequality is a problem and that education is a good thing. But the two do not appear to be correlated.───所以你可以说,收入不平等是个问题,教育是个好东西,但这两者没表现出什么相关性。
6、Income inequality is often claimed to be a strong determinant of happiness, and this "fact" used to argue for more progressive taxation.───人们往往主张,收入不平等是幸福与否的重要决定因素,而这一“事实”被用作增加累进税收的理由。
7、The achievement is undeniably impressive, but China has paid a heavy price for it in terms of ballooning income inequality.───中国取得的成就是不可否认的,但日益膨胀的收入差距使中国付出了沉重的代价。
8、Income inequality "cannot be an excuse for slowing the pace of structural reform" , he said.───他表示,收入不平等“不能成为放慢结构性改革速度的借口”。
9、Growing income inequality has coincided with the increasing importance of a college degree for earning a middle-class wage.───收入不平等加剧的同时,大学学位对于中产阶级收入的重要性也在不断上升。
income inequality(英语使用场景)
1、In the developed world, income inequality , not average income, is the critical component in determining health.
2、We shall pursue the debate over income inequality in Chapter 37.
3、Corporate profits are soaring to new heights, but so is income inequality.
4、The bias in the contributions is towards quite strong views of equity if not egalitarianism, but different income inequality ideologies exist.
5、However, when considering income inequality, it is the income distribution among individuals that has emerged as most useful.
6、However, it is clear that benefits help to reduce income inequality.
7、Which Is the Main Reason for Income Inequality in Rural China: Physical Assets or Human Capital?
8、Government has assumed the responsibility for ameliorating income inequality in our society.
9、In other words, general levels of income inequality have a positive effect on the incidence of political violence.
income inequality(意思翻译)
income inequality(相似词语短语)
1、triangle inequality───三角形公理;[数]三角不等式
2、appraiser income───估价师收入
3、inequality notation───不等式表示法
4、inequality graphing───不等式作图
5、inequality signs───[数]不等号
7、overlooked inequality───被忽视的不平等
8、inequality calculator───不等式计算器
9、inequality solver───不等式求解器
income inequality(双语使用场景)
1、Income inequality usually falls during a recession, but it has not shrunk in this one.───在经济衰退期间,收入差距通常会缩小,但这次却没有。
2、The finding may also offer a clue as to why income inequality doesn't yet seem to be getting that much traction at the US ballot box.───为何收入不平等至今似乎尚未对美国的选票箱产生很大影响,这个研究结果可能也为此提供了一条线索。
3、In the past decade, even as income inequality has grown, some of the socioeconomic differences in parenting, like reading to children and going to libraries, have narrowed.───在过去的十年里,尽管收入不平等有所加剧,但在育儿方面的一些社会经济差异已经缩小,就比如是给孩子朗读和去图书馆。
4、Higher wages could reduce income inequality and drive more consumption, he said, if the gains continue-which looks increasingly likely.───他说,薪资增长如果继续下去(显得越来越有可能),则有可能缩小收入差距,并带动消费增加。
5、So you can argue that income inequality is a problem and that education is a good thing. But the two do not appear to be correlated.───所以你可以说,收入不平等是个问题,教育是个好东西,但这两者没表现出什么相关性。
6、Income inequality is often claimed to be a strong determinant of happiness, and this "fact" used to argue for more progressive taxation.───人们往往主张,收入不平等是幸福与否的重要决定因素,而这一“事实”被用作增加累进税收的理由。
7、The achievement is undeniably impressive, but China has paid a heavy price for it in terms of ballooning income inequality.───中国取得的成就是不可否认的,但日益膨胀的收入差距使中国付出了沉重的代价。
8、Income inequality "cannot be an excuse for slowing the pace of structural reform" , he said.───他表示,收入不平等“不能成为放慢结构性改革速度的借口”。
9、Growing income inequality has coincided with the increasing importance of a college degree for earning a middle-class wage.───收入不平等加剧的同时,大学学位对于中产阶级收入的重要性也在不断上升。
income inequality(英语使用场景)
1、In the developed world, income inequality , not average income, is the critical component in determining health.
2、We shall pursue the debate over income inequality in Chapter 37.
3、Corporate profits are soaring to new heights, but so is income inequality.
4、The bias in the contributions is towards quite strong views of equity if not egalitarianism, but different income inequality ideologies exist.
5、However, when considering income inequality, it is the income distribution among individuals that has emerged as most useful.
6、However, it is clear that benefits help to reduce income inequality.
7、Which Is the Main Reason for Income Inequality in Rural China: Physical Assets or Human Capital?
8、Government has assumed the responsibility for ameliorating income inequality in our society.
9、In other words, general levels of income inequality have a positive effect on the incidence of political violence.