1、Middletown, Pennsylvania, Mayor Robert Reid later spoke of Carter's visit as providing a much-needed morale boost.───而后,宾州米德尔顿市市长罗伯特·里德发言称,卡特的造访非常及时地振奋了士气。
2、Callie Rough of Middletown, Ohio, was picked up for shoplifting from a Dollar General store with her two young children in tow.───俄亥俄州新堡市的卡里•拉夫CallieRough在一家一元店里偷东西时被抓,当时她还拖着两个孩子。
3、An explosion rocked a natural-gas power plant Sunday in Middletown, Conn., sending earthquake-like shock waves miles away.───康涅狄格州米德尔敦一家天然气发电厂发生爆炸,形成如同地震一般的冲击波,影响达数英里。
4、An explosion rocked a natural-gas power plant Sunday in Middletown, Conn. , sending earthquake-like shock waves miles away.───涅狄格州米德尔敦 (Middletown)一家天然气发电厂发生爆炸,形成如同地震一般的冲击波,影响达数英里。
5、JT8D-219 engine is assembled and tested in Pratt & Whitney’s Middletown, Conn., facility.───JT8D-219发动机的组装和测试工作在普惠公司的康涅狄格州米德尔顿工厂进行。
6、He was interested in the lives and well-being of the people of Middletown.───他对中心镇居民的生活和幸福感很热心。
7、Fire and rescue teams from Middletown, Durham, Portland, Cromwell and other towns converged as crews fought the blaze into the afternoon.───消防和救援队伍来自中部城,达勒姆,波特兰,卡姆威尔,以及其他城市,队伍汇集在一起救援了整个下午。
8、Dillard taught for a time in the English department of Wesleyan University, in Middletown, Connecticut.───狄勒德曾在康涅狄格州,米德尔敦的卫斯廉大学的英语系教书。
9、Orlando is appealing the decision, and Middletown, Connecticut, is in the midst of a crackdown.───奥兰多市正在申诉,而康涅狄格州米德尔敦正处于ZhenYa之中。
1、Montefusco was arrested Thursday evening at the home of a friend in Middletown Township.
2、People living near coasts will face new risks as they adapt to climate change and sea level rise. That's according to Gary Yohe, an economist at Wesleyan University in Middletown, Connecticut.
1、foots sheds middletown ny───米德尔敦的foots sheds或
2、tattered flag middletown───破旗米德尔顿
1、Middletown, Pennsylvania, Mayor Robert Reid later spoke of Carter's visit as providing a much-needed morale boost.───而后,宾州米德尔顿市市长罗伯特·里德发言称,卡特的造访非常及时地振奋了士气。
2、Callie Rough of Middletown, Ohio, was picked up for shoplifting from a Dollar General store with her two young children in tow.───俄亥俄州新堡市的卡里•拉夫CallieRough在一家一元店里偷东西时被抓,当时她还拖着两个孩子。
3、An explosion rocked a natural-gas power plant Sunday in Middletown, Conn., sending earthquake-like shock waves miles away.───康涅狄格州米德尔敦一家天然气发电厂发生爆炸,形成如同地震一般的冲击波,影响达数英里。
4、An explosion rocked a natural-gas power plant Sunday in Middletown, Conn. , sending earthquake-like shock waves miles away.───涅狄格州米德尔敦 (Middletown)一家天然气发电厂发生爆炸,形成如同地震一般的冲击波,影响达数英里。
5、JT8D-219 engine is assembled and tested in Pratt & Whitney’s Middletown, Conn., facility.───JT8D-219发动机的组装和测试工作在普惠公司的康涅狄格州米德尔顿工厂进行。
6、He was interested in the lives and well-being of the people of Middletown.───他对中心镇居民的生活和幸福感很热心。
7、Fire and rescue teams from Middletown, Durham, Portland, Cromwell and other towns converged as crews fought the blaze into the afternoon.───消防和救援队伍来自中部城,达勒姆,波特兰,卡姆威尔,以及其他城市,队伍汇集在一起救援了整个下午。
8、Dillard taught for a time in the English department of Wesleyan University, in Middletown, Connecticut.───狄勒德曾在康涅狄格州,米德尔敦的卫斯廉大学的英语系教书。
9、Orlando is appealing the decision, and Middletown, Connecticut, is in the midst of a crackdown.───奥兰多市正在申诉,而康涅狄格州米德尔敦正处于ZhenYa之中。
1、Montefusco was arrested Thursday evening at the home of a friend in Middletown Township.
2、People living near coasts will face new risks as they adapt to climate change and sea level rise. That's according to Gary Yohe, an economist at Wesleyan University in Middletown, Connecticut.