1、Hear yourself speaking calmly and softly to yourself and to others.───倾听自己平和、轻柔的自言自语或对别人的话语。
2、It's like when you hear yourself on a tape recorder and you hate the sound of your voice.───这就好象你不习惯听到你的声音从录音机里发出来一样。
3、You hear yourself bragging about your partner.───你听到自己在炫耀你的伴侣。
4、If you can hear yourself breathing heavily while running at an easy or moderate pace, you are running too quickly for your condition.───如果本想以轻松或中等配速跑步,您却可以听到自己的呼吸声,则您跑得太快了。
5、Evaluate the phrases you hear yourself saying: Do they reflect a lack of belief?───评价你对自己所说的话:是否缺少了信念?
6、For instance, to do something or hear yourself.───比如说,亲手制作,亲耳听见。
7、The way you hear yourself on the video is the way that other people normally hear you (sorry ).───而你听录像中自己的声音就和别人在正常情况下听你的声音是一样的(请谅解)。
8、You hear yourself saying words you never thought you'd say.───你听到自己说了些从来都没有想过要说的话。
9、When you hear yourself say "I am all alone, " it is your mind trying to sell you a lie so you will continue to feel sorry for yourself.───当你听到自己在说“我很孤独”,那是你的思想再向你撒谎,你将因此继续对你自己感到抱歉。
hear yourself(英语使用场景)
1、They swarmed up in front of Sherburn's palings as thick as they could jam together, and you couldn't hear yourself think for the noise.
2、If you're sitting in the front yard, you can't hear yourself think because the traffic is getting very, very bad.
3、It is a wee bit disconcerting when you can hear yourself think in a pub these days.
hear yourself(意思翻译)
hear yourself(相似词语短语)
1、hear───vi.听;听见;vt.听到,听;听说;审理;v.听见; 倾听; 听说; 审理; 脑际响起; 接到…的信/电话
2、by yourself───独自地,单独地;adv.单独地; DuLi地
4、introduce yourself───自我介绍;介绍你自己
5、hear or───听到或听到
6、be yourself───做你自己(歌曲名)
7、dear yourself───亲爱的你自己
8、yourself or yourself───你自己还是你自己
9、could hear───听得见
hear yourself(双语使用场景)
1、Hear yourself speaking calmly and softly to yourself and to others.───倾听自己平和、轻柔的自言自语或对别人的话语。
2、It's like when you hear yourself on a tape recorder and you hate the sound of your voice.───这就好象你不习惯听到你的声音从录音机里发出来一样。
3、You hear yourself bragging about your partner.───你听到自己在炫耀你的伴侣。
4、If you can hear yourself breathing heavily while running at an easy or moderate pace, you are running too quickly for your condition.───如果本想以轻松或中等配速跑步,您却可以听到自己的呼吸声,则您跑得太快了。
5、Evaluate the phrases you hear yourself saying: Do they reflect a lack of belief?───评价你对自己所说的话:是否缺少了信念?
6、For instance, to do something or hear yourself.───比如说,亲手制作,亲耳听见。
7、The way you hear yourself on the video is the way that other people normally hear you (sorry ).───而你听录像中自己的声音就和别人在正常情况下听你的声音是一样的(请谅解)。
8、You hear yourself saying words you never thought you'd say.───你听到自己说了些从来都没有想过要说的话。
9、When you hear yourself say "I am all alone, " it is your mind trying to sell you a lie so you will continue to feel sorry for yourself.───当你听到自己在说“我很孤独”,那是你的思想再向你撒谎,你将因此继续对你自己感到抱歉。
hear yourself(英语使用场景)
1、They swarmed up in front of Sherburn's palings as thick as they could jam together, and you couldn't hear yourself think for the noise.
2、If you're sitting in the front yard, you can't hear yourself think because the traffic is getting very, very bad.
3、It is a wee bit disconcerting when you can hear yourself think in a pub these days.