2、In some areas, coarse sediments can fill channels of streams or rivers that cut through finer grained sediments or rocks.───在一些地区,粗粒沉积物可充填于切入较细粒的沉积物或岩石的溪流或河流的水道内。
3、Extra coarse cut particularly for strong removal on: INOX STEEL, TOOL STELL, WELDINGS───粗刀齿:用于INOX钢,工具钢和焊接件的力切除
4、Exterior-interior together on the structure, shape, the stone of chaos, saw cut the coarse summarized first, then elaborate carving, score lines, after all.───对构造上表里一同,形状混沌的石头,先锯截出粗概括,再详尽的雕凿,毕竟刻划纹路。
coarse cut(意思翻译)
coarse cut(相似词语短语)
2、coarse skin───粗糙的皮肤
3、coarse grained───粗纹理的;粗颗粒的;粗晶粒的; 粗纹理的; 粗粒的; 粗颗粒的
4、fine coarse───细-粗
6、cut cut───切,切
7、coarse-grained soil───粗粒质土壤;粗颗粒土壤,粗粒土
8、coarse-grained rocks───粗粒岩
9、thinly cut cut───薄薄的
coarse cut(双语使用场景)
1、Medium to coarse loose cut.───中等粗燥剪裁。
2、In some areas, coarse sediments can fill channels of streams or rivers that cut through finer grained sediments or rocks.───在一些地区,粗粒沉积物可充填于切入较细粒的沉积物或岩石的溪流或河流的水道内。
3、Extra coarse cut particularly for strong removal on: INOX STEEL, TOOL STELL, WELDINGS───粗刀齿:用于INOX钢,工具钢和焊接件的力切除
4、Exterior-interior together on the structure, shape, the stone of chaos, saw cut the coarse summarized first, then elaborate carving, score lines, after all.───对构造上表里一同,形状混沌的石头,先锯截出粗概括,再详尽的雕凿,毕竟刻划纹路。