1、She has been re-enacting events from her life for more than 10 years, including her own birth, losing her virginity in a sunny blue Plymouth and her grandfather's funeral.───她已经像这样重新上演她的生活10多年了。 包括她的出生,她在“一个阳光明媚的蓝色普利茅斯”中失去的童贞和她祖父的葬礼。
2、German is his second native land, a place of re-birth of artistic spirit.───德国是他的第二故乡,是艺术灵魂的再造之地。
3、The Biancocelesti started the new season in the best possible way, and apart from Mauro Zarate, Carrizo has also been hailed as one of the players behind their re-birth.───拉齐奥实现新赛季的远大目标,除了萨拉特的贡献,同样也要把欢呼献给“卡里佐”这名在球队重生中,默默奉献的球员。
4、Re-birth is of course part of karma.───再一次出生当然是业力的一部分。
5、Therefore I believe that we have to talk about continuity of this group and not re-birth.───我觉得现在该谈的是如何保持这支球队的延续,而不是重建。
6、Bevin is now an adult and has re-lived her birth experience under hypnosis.───贝文现在已是成年人,在催眠状态下,她再次经历了出生过程。
7、It is the only way to advance and leave the cycle of re-birth behind.───这是唯一的方式去发展并且脱离后面的再次投生的循环。
8、the desire is so strong to be part of this amazing re-birth of joy.───这意愿是如此的强大,希望成为这奇妙的重生喜悦的一员。
9、The deeper meaning of re-birth is identification with form.───再一次出生更深层的含义是与形式认同。
re birth(意思翻译)
re birth(相似词语短语)
1、re───prep.(用于公函起首介绍主题或回复邮件)关于,兹就;n.来 (C)
2、birth name───本姓,婚前姓
4、in birth───出生时
5、birth defects───出生缺陷;先天畸型;[医]出生缺陷胚胎发育紊乱引起的形态、结构、功能、代谢等方面的异常的统称
6、re re───回复
7、from birth───自从出生以来
8、plutarch birth───普鲁塔克出生
9、birth certificates───出生证明(birthcertificate的名词复数);n.出生证明( birth certificate的名词复数 )
re birth(双语使用场景)
1、She has been re-enacting events from her life for more than 10 years, including her own birth, losing her virginity in a sunny blue Plymouth and her grandfather's funeral.───她已经像这样重新上演她的生活10多年了。 包括她的出生,她在“一个阳光明媚的蓝色普利茅斯”中失去的童贞和她祖父的葬礼。
2、German is his second native land, a place of re-birth of artistic spirit.───德国是他的第二故乡,是艺术灵魂的再造之地。
3、The Biancocelesti started the new season in the best possible way, and apart from Mauro Zarate, Carrizo has also been hailed as one of the players behind their re-birth.───拉齐奥实现新赛季的远大目标,除了萨拉特的贡献,同样也要把欢呼献给“卡里佐”这名在球队重生中,默默奉献的球员。
4、Re-birth is of course part of karma.───再一次出生当然是业力的一部分。
5、Therefore I believe that we have to talk about continuity of this group and not re-birth.───我觉得现在该谈的是如何保持这支球队的延续,而不是重建。
6、Bevin is now an adult and has re-lived her birth experience under hypnosis.───贝文现在已是成年人,在催眠状态下,她再次经历了出生过程。
7、It is the only way to advance and leave the cycle of re-birth behind.───这是唯一的方式去发展并且脱离后面的再次投生的循环。
8、the desire is so strong to be part of this amazing re-birth of joy.───这意愿是如此的强大,希望成为这奇妙的重生喜悦的一员。
9、The deeper meaning of re-birth is identification with form.───再一次出生更深层的含义是与形式认同。