1、Nearly half a century after he released his first album Bob Dylan continues to release new albums (including last year a compilation of Christmas songs) and tour the country playing concerts.───约五十年前,鲍勃·迪伦发表了自己的第一张专辑,如今,他仍有新作不断问世(包括去年发行的一张圣诞歌曲合辑),此外还在进行全国巡演。
2、'I am not surprised. When I tour the country filming MTV Freshers the Oxford students are always the most wild.───我一点儿也不惊讶。我去很多学校拍大学新生的视频时就发现,牛津大学的学生是最狂野的。
3、Debenhams plans to hire a butler to tour the country, holding demonstrations on how best to eat meals using impeccable manners.───该公司打算雇一个能干餐桌礼仪的人到各地做演示,讲述年夜家美满无瑕的用餐礼仪有多棒。
4、sent regulators to tour the country educating potential investors;───派遣监管人员全国巡讲,对潜在投资者进行教育;
5、Andy Booth of ABOUTAsia Travel, a Cambodia specialist, says September is a canny time to tour the country.───安迪 布斯是《亚洲旅行》的一位柬埔寨专家,他认为9月是去柬埔寨旅游的绝佳时间。
tour the country(意思翻译)
tour the country(相似词语短语)
2、throughout the country───全国各地; 举国; 海内
3、ferity tour───假日旅游
4、across the country───遍布全国;祖国各地
5、tour of the───世界之旅
6、in the country───adv.在乡下
7、tour the states───环游美国
8、the country───乡下;社稷
9、tour the city───游览城市
tour the country(双语使用场景)
1、Nearly half a century after he released his first album Bob Dylan continues to release new albums (including last year a compilation of Christmas songs) and tour the country playing concerts.───约五十年前,鲍勃·迪伦发表了自己的第一张专辑,如今,他仍有新作不断问世(包括去年发行的一张圣诞歌曲合辑),此外还在进行全国巡演。
2、'I am not surprised. When I tour the country filming MTV Freshers the Oxford students are always the most wild.───我一点儿也不惊讶。我去很多学校拍大学新生的视频时就发现,牛津大学的学生是最狂野的。
3、Debenhams plans to hire a butler to tour the country, holding demonstrations on how best to eat meals using impeccable manners.───该公司打算雇一个能干餐桌礼仪的人到各地做演示,讲述年夜家美满无瑕的用餐礼仪有多棒。
4、sent regulators to tour the country educating potential investors;───派遣监管人员全国巡讲,对潜在投资者进行教育;
5、Andy Booth of ABOUTAsia Travel, a Cambodia specialist, says September is a canny time to tour the country.───安迪 布斯是《亚洲旅行》的一位柬埔寨专家,他认为9月是去柬埔寨旅游的绝佳时间。