1、had few details of the arrest but said Fakih's record has not a single blemish, adding that the beauty queen is very saddened and very apologetic for the situation that she's in right now.───对于法基的被捕还提供了一些细节,他说:“这不是法基的记录上唯一的一个污点,”,他补充到这位选美皇后对于现在的处境感到非常伤心和万分歉意。
2、One flower with self-admiration is just a single beauty, while many flowers , foiling each other, have created a spring.───一朵花孤芳自赏,仅仅是美丽,而一片互相扶持的锦绣却撑起了一个春天。
3、of MongoDB's auto-sharding features is that it makes it very straightforward to go from a single server to a sharded cluster, often with little or no changes to application code required.───MongoDB 的自动分片特性的好处是它使得从单一服务器转向分片集群变得非常容易,通过无需或很少需要对所需的程序代码进行改动。
4、She hopes to add to that exposure with the release this week of the single "Beauty on the Fire" .───她希望通过本周发行的单曲《激情的美女》来锦上添花。
5、therefore, more than just coincidence that the words health and beauty trip so easily off the tongue as a single phrase.───因此,“健康与美”这个词组很容易的就从人们嘴边蹦出,也不只是巧合。
single beauty(意思翻译)
single beauty(相似词语短语)
1、single adult───单身成人
2、single house───独栋别墅;DuLi房
3、single proprietorship───[经]独资;独资企业;所有权
4、single father───单身父亲
5、respostim single───单一响应
6、credo beauty───我相信美
7、single professor───单身教授
single beauty(双语使用场景)
1、had few details of the arrest but said Fakih's record has not a single blemish, adding that the beauty queen is very saddened and very apologetic for the situation that she's in right now.───对于法基的被捕还提供了一些细节,他说:“这不是法基的记录上唯一的一个污点,”,他补充到这位选美皇后对于现在的处境感到非常伤心和万分歉意。
2、One flower with self-admiration is just a single beauty, while many flowers , foiling each other, have created a spring.───一朵花孤芳自赏,仅仅是美丽,而一片互相扶持的锦绣却撑起了一个春天。
3、of MongoDB's auto-sharding features is that it makes it very straightforward to go from a single server to a sharded cluster, often with little or no changes to application code required.───MongoDB 的自动分片特性的好处是它使得从单一服务器转向分片集群变得非常容易,通过无需或很少需要对所需的程序代码进行改动。
4、She hopes to add to that exposure with the release this week of the single "Beauty on the Fire" .───她希望通过本周发行的单曲《激情的美女》来锦上添花。
5、therefore, more than just coincidence that the words health and beauty trip so easily off the tongue as a single phrase.───因此,“健康与美”这个词组很容易的就从人们嘴边蹦出,也不只是巧合。