1、Work has already started on constructing compost toilets for the children and partitions are to be constructed to help separate the classes.───为孩子们建造有机厕所的工作已经开始了,还要把教室分隔开来,让不同的班级有自己的教室。
2、The classes defined by the acm. program form a hierarchy with a little more structure and complexity than you have seen up to this point.───program定义的一系列类组成了一种比你目前所看到的更复杂的层次结构。
3、The instructor at the dance studio said the classes are fun, good exercise and do not teach their children anything erotic.───在舞蹈室里,舞蹈教师表示课程其实非常有趣,并且能很好地锻炼身体。他们不会教导孩子们任何SeQing的东西。
4、No, the classes fall into a separate category.───不,这些课程属于一个单独的类别。
5、The classes were not large, yet there was no discussion.───班级不大,但没有讨论。
6、The design of the classes are done in such a way that they have no relationship with, or dependency on, the frontend design or platform.───设计这些类的方式使得它们不依赖于前端设计或平台。
7、The classes are keyed to the needs of advanced students.───这些课是针对高年级学生的需要开设的。
8、Also, you will not be able load multiple versions of these JAR files as the classes will all be in the system class loaders namespace.───同样,不能加载这些JAR文件的多个版本,因为类都位于XiTong类加载器名称空间中。
9、With the Java language, the classes generated by the compiler generally remain just as they are until they're loading into a JVM.───使用Java语言,由编译器生成的类在被装入到JVM之前通常保持原状。
the classes(英语使用场景)
1、The classes are suitable for complete beginners.
2、The classes are tailored to suit learners' needs.
3、The classes are designed for the uninitiated, starting with the basics of car mechanics.
4、The classes contain approximately equal numbers of members.
5、The classes begin and end at fixed times.
6、The classes are keyed to the needs of advanced students.
7、Some people are unwilling to attend the classes partly because of the cost involved.
8、The sheer size of the classes makes learning difficult for students.
9、I attended the classes/seminars/lectures for a month or two.
the classes(意思翻译)
the classes(相似词语短语)
1、three classes───三节课
2、yoga classes───瑜伽课
3、my classes───我的班级
5、claudication classes───跛行班
6、skip classes───n.逃课
7、conversation classes───会话类
8、caries classes───龋齿类
9、classes there───在那里上课
the classes(双语使用场景)
1、Work has already started on constructing compost toilets for the children and partitions are to be constructed to help separate the classes.───为孩子们建造有机厕所的工作已经开始了,还要把教室分隔开来,让不同的班级有自己的教室。
2、The classes defined by the acm. program form a hierarchy with a little more structure and complexity than you have seen up to this point.───program定义的一系列类组成了一种比你目前所看到的更复杂的层次结构。
3、The instructor at the dance studio said the classes are fun, good exercise and do not teach their children anything erotic.───在舞蹈室里,舞蹈教师表示课程其实非常有趣,并且能很好地锻炼身体。他们不会教导孩子们任何SeQing的东西。
4、No, the classes fall into a separate category.───不,这些课程属于一个单独的类别。
5、The classes were not large, yet there was no discussion.───班级不大,但没有讨论。
6、The design of the classes are done in such a way that they have no relationship with, or dependency on, the frontend design or platform.───设计这些类的方式使得它们不依赖于前端设计或平台。
7、The classes are keyed to the needs of advanced students.───这些课是针对高年级学生的需要开设的。
8、Also, you will not be able load multiple versions of these JAR files as the classes will all be in the system class loaders namespace.───同样,不能加载这些JAR文件的多个版本,因为类都位于XiTong类加载器名称空间中。
9、With the Java language, the classes generated by the compiler generally remain just as they are until they're loading into a JVM.───使用Java语言,由编译器生成的类在被装入到JVM之前通常保持原状。
the classes(英语使用场景)
1、The classes are suitable for complete beginners.
2、The classes are tailored to suit learners' needs.
3、The classes are designed for the uninitiated, starting with the basics of car mechanics.
4、The classes contain approximately equal numbers of members.
5、The classes begin and end at fixed times.
6、The classes are keyed to the needs of advanced students.
7、Some people are unwilling to attend the classes partly because of the cost involved.
8、The sheer size of the classes makes learning difficult for students.
9、I attended the classes/seminars/lectures for a month or two.