1、Clinical Comparision of Penehyclidine Hydrochloride and Scopolamine on Premedication in Patients with Tetralogy of Fallot .───盐酸戊乙奎醚和东莨菪碱用于法洛四联症患者手术前的效果比较。
2、Tetralogy of fallot; Radical correction; Complex congenital heart disease.───法洛四联症;根治术;复杂先天性心脏病。
3、In patients with corrected tetralogy of Fallot, timing of pulmonary valve replacement(PVR) remains controversial.───法洛氏四联症根治术后肺动脉瓣置换术手术时间,目前尚存在争议。
4、Objective To explore the indications and results of the operations by transatrial and pulmonary repair of tetralogy of Fallot.───目的探讨经右心房和肺动脉径路矫治法洛四联症的手术适应证和手术效果。
5、Objective To investigate the application of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the follow-up after surgery for tetralogy of Fallot (TOF).───目的评价磁共振成像 (M R I)在法洛四联症 (T O F)术后随访中的应用价值。
6、Objective: To observe the effect of tetralogy of viable bifidobacterium tablets combined montmorillonite powder on infant autumn diarrhea.───目的:观察双歧杆菌四联活菌片联合蒙脱石散治疗婴幼儿秋季腹泻疗效。
7、Objective TO summarize the experience of surgical treatment of tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) with anomalous coronary artery.───目的总结法洛四联症(TOF)合并异常冠状动脉完全矫治手术的经验。
8、congenital heart disease; pathological; transposition of the great arteries; tetralogy of fallot.───先天性心脏病;病理;大动脉转位;法洛四联症。
9、"I do have a sense of having completed a quartet of books which, while not a tetralogy in any narrative sense, do cohere in a way. "───“我的确有一种感觉,我已经完成了这套四重奏似的作品,从叙述角度上来讲它们尽管不是四联曲作品,但在某种方面它们是前后连贯的。”
1、CONCLUSION Right ventricular restriction exists in a significant subset of patients with tetralogy of Fallot following surgical repair and exerts unfavorable effects on post-operative course.
2、The characteristics for differentiation of truncus arteriosus from tetralogy of Fallot and pulmonary arterial septal defect were mentioned.
3、Clinic research of one stage surgical treatment of Tetralogy of Fallot in infants.
4、Cardiac defects included 63 Fallot's Tetralogy, 5 double-outlet of right ventricle, 4 anomalous pulmonary venous and 10 other defects.
5、Severe CHD was defined as tetralogy of Fallot, truncus arteriosus, transposition complexes, endocardial cushion defects, and univentricular heart.
6、Thus the poem of the Tetralogy was written with doubts, as he said, as to whether he should abandon art and all belonging to it and become a healthy, normal man—a son of nature.
7、Tetralogy of Fallot, the most common form of a serious congenital heart defect also known as blue baby syndrome, has always been something of a puzzle.
8、Infants and young children with unrepaired tetralogy of Fallot are often blue ( cyanotic ).
9、Objective: To review the perioperative management for tetralogy of fallot ( TOF ) .
1、cephalanthus tetrandra───四头蚁
2、nickel acetate tetrahydrate───醋酸镍
3、micrococcus tetragenus genbank───genbank四属微球菌
4、tetraborate sodium───四PengSuan钠
5、tetracl n───四环素n
7、anapestic tetrameter metric foot───四公尺尺
8、tetrahedrite mindat───四面体mindat
9、tetraborate buffer───四PengSuan缓冲液
1、Clinical Comparision of Penehyclidine Hydrochloride and Scopolamine on Premedication in Patients with Tetralogy of Fallot .───盐酸戊乙奎醚和东莨菪碱用于法洛四联症患者手术前的效果比较。
2、Tetralogy of fallot; Radical correction; Complex congenital heart disease.───法洛四联症;根治术;复杂先天性心脏病。
3、In patients with corrected tetralogy of Fallot, timing of pulmonary valve replacement(PVR) remains controversial.───法洛氏四联症根治术后肺动脉瓣置换术手术时间,目前尚存在争议。
4、Objective To explore the indications and results of the operations by transatrial and pulmonary repair of tetralogy of Fallot.───目的探讨经右心房和肺动脉径路矫治法洛四联症的手术适应证和手术效果。
5、Objective To investigate the application of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the follow-up after surgery for tetralogy of Fallot (TOF).───目的评价磁共振成像 (M R I)在法洛四联症 (T O F)术后随访中的应用价值。
6、Objective: To observe the effect of tetralogy of viable bifidobacterium tablets combined montmorillonite powder on infant autumn diarrhea.───目的:观察双歧杆菌四联活菌片联合蒙脱石散治疗婴幼儿秋季腹泻疗效。
7、Objective TO summarize the experience of surgical treatment of tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) with anomalous coronary artery.───目的总结法洛四联症(TOF)合并异常冠状动脉完全矫治手术的经验。
8、congenital heart disease; pathological; transposition of the great arteries; tetralogy of fallot.───先天性心脏病;病理;大动脉转位;法洛四联症。
9、"I do have a sense of having completed a quartet of books which, while not a tetralogy in any narrative sense, do cohere in a way. "───“我的确有一种感觉,我已经完成了这套四重奏似的作品,从叙述角度上来讲它们尽管不是四联曲作品,但在某种方面它们是前后连贯的。”
1、CONCLUSION Right ventricular restriction exists in a significant subset of patients with tetralogy of Fallot following surgical repair and exerts unfavorable effects on post-operative course.
2、The characteristics for differentiation of truncus arteriosus from tetralogy of Fallot and pulmonary arterial septal defect were mentioned.
3、Clinic research of one stage surgical treatment of Tetralogy of Fallot in infants.
4、Cardiac defects included 63 Fallot's Tetralogy, 5 double-outlet of right ventricle, 4 anomalous pulmonary venous and 10 other defects.
5、Severe CHD was defined as tetralogy of Fallot, truncus arteriosus, transposition complexes, endocardial cushion defects, and univentricular heart.
6、Thus the poem of the Tetralogy was written with doubts, as he said, as to whether he should abandon art and all belonging to it and become a healthy, normal man—a son of nature.
7、Tetralogy of Fallot, the most common form of a serious congenital heart defect also known as blue baby syndrome, has always been something of a puzzle.
8、Infants and young children with unrepaired tetralogy of Fallot are often blue ( cyanotic ).
9、Objective: To review the perioperative management for tetralogy of fallot ( TOF ) .